
I miss the game so much but I was also in my early twenties with tons more free time than I have now in my thirties. No other MMO has ever challenged me the way this game has and pre-nerf CoP completion is still counted as the greatest video game achievement I’ve ever experienced.

More of this!! As someone who has played MTG since 1994, I want waaaay more coverage here. I understand that it’s not strictly a video game (why Wizards hasn’t released an iOS/Android MTGO client is beyond me - they’d make even more of a killing...), but I’d love to see more articles like this on my favorite gaming

Kane shouldn’t have stuck his face over the egg. Ash shouldn’t have opened the doors. Brett should’ve caught Jonesy. Dallas should’ve zigged when he zagged. Lambert should’ve gotten out of the way for Parker to shoot the Xeno with the flamethrower. People do weird shit when they’re scared. And if they’re all as smart

Alternative facts

From my point of view, the Bene Gesserit are evil!

I’ve never liked Dune. It’s too...sandy. I don’t like sand. It’s coarse and rough and irritating and gets everywhere.

As a result, Hernandez allegedly waited for the men to leave the club, pulled up next to their vehicle, yelled “what up, [racial slur]?”