What a bad ass. It was a manual too!
What a bad ass. It was a manual too!
I am a Republican who voted for Hillary Clinton and I am just as shocked as most Democrats and News sites, but how can we call it an upset? The majority of Americans voted for him. Yes we may be upset but as a whole, I don’t think we can really call this an upset. I can only see if she had won the majority of the…
I love the off road sections. I still enjoy this game, but I don’t get to play very often.
In real life they use electric and duct tape.
I enjoy it as well.
My dad has the first year they were offered and a 2016.
Naaa they don’t make shit unless their name is Ronda Rousey or Conor McGregor.
Lewisville uses them.
I drive an FR-S, I feel the exact same.
I lost it at Kale.
I’ve had 3 Mustangs and I hate most Mustang drivers. I always hated how they always tried to tell me their car was always faster. It’s a factory freak. I don’t fit the mold. I’m not a bro dude, I don’t wear the clothes, and I also drive imports. My mom drove an 82 GT 5.0 when I was a kid. She bought it off of the show…
When it comes to Nintendo and controllers, I never doubt them. I remember people talking about how silly and uncomfortable the Gamecube controller looked. It was rad.
One of my all time favorite fighters.
I really laughed out loud when I read this.
Funny thing, three months later I bought a 2016 FR-S. My. Favorite. Car. Ever.
He doesn’t make millions fighting.
I wanted that OSV so bad when I was (wait for it) in high school!!!
That and the Alero. My bestie and I have a photo album of Aleros we see in the wild. :x
Change it from soccer to football, then change it from Hardees to Carl’s Jr. (I think there is one in Carrollton).
Being a high schooler in the late 90's and early 00's, I love this and the MRS. I tried to get an MRS so bad back in the day. Insurance for it and a Miata were just ridiculous.