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    You and me both. I love the 2000 Cobra R. I have seen 2 in my life.

    I don’t drink, so I ask for soda and pizza.

    I love my Renesis. I know it doesn’t have the power curve of the 13b-REW or a nice single turbo 13B, but I just love how she revs.

    That would be awesome. Which one would you go with?

    I loved the shotgun from Duke Nukem 3D.

    I love my Rx8 steering. I went from an RX8 to a 2011 Mustang GT 5.0 and regretted it, but I lived in Alaska and my Rotary hated it there. I have an RX8 again, and I never want to go back.

    My thoughts exactly.

    Tucker Torpedo. I saw one at The Johnson Space Center a few years back when they had a lot of George Lucas’ collection on display. She was so beautiful.

    I got this game the day it came out. I was in 8th grade and I loved it. I couldn’t get enough Star Wars.

    My brother has a first year, first gen Rogue. I made fun of him for it so much. But after 5 Alaska -40 degree and colder weather, I had to stop talking shit. It is a solid vehicle.

    The SVT came with a K&N cone filter.

    My old Mazda 3 was like this.

    Because I can buy the filter and oil for less than $30 for full synthetic and if I take it to a place it has been anywhere from $60 to $120. It takes me less than 15 minutes to change my oil and if I take it somewhere, I am waiting for at least an hour. I have a nifty pump that pumps my oil out and doesn’t make a

    No, those just failed on the Contour. It failed twice on my dad’s old SVT Contour.

    I think it was Rogue Squadron II. Maybe Rogue Leader.

    First time I heard this was on my Gamecube.

    It was spoiled for me. I have a sad. **NOT SPOILED BY THIS ARTICLE**

    This is amazing.

    I can’t star you enough.

    I did. I have it on PC