
Oh fuck off. I’ve never watched GOT but I’ve seen him in plenty of other roles and he’s a phenomenal actor. I do know that like it or not that show wouldn’t have been NEARLY the success it was during its run without his charming ass in it. So that’s literally the only GOT Emmy I’m OK with.

Look, we get it, he doesn’t

I hope his accuracy was better than 46%.

Let’s be clear, we all know on the list of Tebow’s skills “not fucking” is well above “sports.”

Fun fact: While harder than getting a camel through the eye of a needle, it’s actually easier for a rich man to get into heaven than it is for Tim Tebow to thread a pass into coverage.

Small quibble: Good college QB TEN years ago.

I like how it lists “Abstinence” before “Athletes,” and I don’t care if that’s an alphabetization thing.

Did he say he likes to eat children?

Wasn’t it also mentioned several times during his brief NFL stint that coaches had asked him to fill a role other than QB, and he repeatedly refused to do so? Because “God wants me to be an NFL quarterback” or some such idiocy?

That shit is selfish!

+30 pieces of silver

To be fair, I think if Jesus had it all to do over again, he would have liked to be paid for his troubles 

Judging by his haircut, how much longer until he gets tricked into speaking at a Proud Boy rally or something like that?

The fact that this sanctimonious blowhard is on TV bitching about this is rich given that he carefully cultivated and monetized his college image while being a terrible failure at everything else he’s tried to do professionally.

“Curtis, you run MAN! You fucking get out there and you burn the fucking brakes off! You sprint your ass off down that field and make them pay for playing you soft. Then, I’m gonna throw that ball 10-15 yards behind you and hope we get a pass interference call on the run back!”

Uh, that’s a bold statement considering...you know...*gestures wildly* EVERYTHING else he’s done. 

Man, I don’t like Jameis, I don’t want to like Jameis, and I don’t want to feel at all bad for the guy, but he is just so FUCKING CHEESY that I can’t keep my body from wincing at him. I should relish how embarrassing he is, but I feel embarrassed for him, and I don’t like that feeling.

Perhaps there’s a specific name for that trope (and maybe someone reading this can educate me)

I mean, I do see where he’s coming from. It used to be that if people didn’t like the jokes, people would just not laugh, or boo or heckle. Now, if people don’t like your jokes, people go on a crusade to make sure your career is over. Sometimes comedy is going to make fun of something YOU like, that’s just part of it.

Just yesterday, I came up with a hypothesis (and probably an unfalsifiable one no less) about where humor comes from. I figure that our remote ancestors whose brains started experiencing a flicker of joy when a new unexpected ideas and connections occurred to them, had an overwhelming survival advantage over their

Funny how when you punch down, you attract other people with a history of punching down.

Because that maxed out Camry won’t be a smoldering pile of useless parts in 3 years. Those AMG wagons might be impressive, but the minute a model-specific part dies, your wagon becomes a wagon-shaped garage decoration.