
And this is also why people blasting the ACLU right now are idiots. Much as you don't want to hand over powers to a leader just because you like them, you also don't want to take fundamental rights away from someone just because you don't like them. Because sooner or later: you.

Man, what a great time to be in college and live three blocks from a theater with discounted student tickets (I think they were $5; whatever they were, it was a bargain in Boston at the time). Saw nine of these in the theater then discussed them over coffee and cigarettes INSIDE the corner diner. What a time to be

I thought I was done with this conversation, but are you serious? Jeez. I referenced yesterday's headline as an exemplar of general opinion, which has seemed to turn just one day later. Pretty simple stuff.

I have no doubt he's a creep, but yesterday's headline disagrees with your second sentence.

It's kind of frightening to see how quickly everyone turned on yesterday's hero the second she invoked victim language. Here's how she described what made her uncomfortable in a subsequent text to the guy:

Whenever they try something different, to whatever degree (Into the Unknown, New America, Brett's half of Dissent of Man), fans tell them to get back in their box. At this point, Greg has his solo stuff and Brett his producing work to spread their wings a bit, so with Bad Religion they've happily settled into giving

I can't decide if I think this movie will benefit or suffer from Stranger Things crashing Its party. Either way, I personally can't wait.

And with that, the AV Club completed the climb up its own ass. Congrats on the inevitable, I guess.

I was going to say either that or All the President's Men.

I love your spirit, so please know I'm not trying to belittle you, but you've got your chronology all screwed up from parts two to four.

I think what confuses those who liked RPO is just how vehemently the haters hate it. The subtext of most of those posts, for those who missed it: How dare he salt the earth I always meant to sow?