Did anyone else notice that they drew the young version of Cornelius to look a lot like Sterling? Did they ever definitively say who Archer’s dad was? I don’t think so.
Did anyone else notice that they drew the young version of Cornelius to look a lot like Sterling? Did they ever definitively say who Archer’s dad was? I don’t think so.
I’m going to go in a full still suit.
So the Joe Rogan “Experience” now includes fever and chills, but thankfully a complete lack of intestinal worms.
I think they could have done a much better job with the whole scene where Maggie sacrifices Gage. They sure seemed to have more than enough time to let him in.
Good catch...I was wondering why his body was headed to the mainland, but this puddle jumper explanation makes perfect sense.
I really don’t get why Rachel had a change of heart and went back to Shane at the airport. I guess we are supposed to believe that she accepted her place as trophy wife, but I’d have preferred it if it ended with Shane alone leaving us to speculate on what Rachel decided to do.
Tee Vee-ish.
I am happy this is real...I just wish it was an adaptation of Brian K. Vaughan’s Saga instead. That would be an expensive one to make.
The hype and expectations were so overblown. Even as I read the lofty predictions at the time by high tech luminaries I was thinking, “What are these guys smoking? It’s an electric scooter. It’s not going to be replacing cars, or bikes for that matter...just walking.” Try going to the grocery store and bringing back a…
Well, given Steve Zahn’s character’s age, and the fact that his father died when he was a teen, this means his father very likely had AIDS when that disease emerged in the early 80's, and at that time, it was predominantly found in the gay community. I’m going to give the writers the benefit of the doubt here and say,…
Orca? That was clearly a humpback, and also pegs the season the show is taking place as winter, which is when the humpbacks are in Hawaii having babies.
I was pretty surprised the joint didn’t get passed to the band after Andy took his hit.
Boy, making boring videos of explosions on youTube is quite a departure from his stellar work as NoHo Hank on Barry.
The stuff in the grocery store has always made me feel as if I was eating a crab flavored sponge. Never cared for it. I have to admit though, the images of this Osaki fish cake stuff looks a bit more appealing. My issue has always been that fish cake/imitation crab doesn’t come anywhere near the ballpark of…
Okay, but you owe me a taco.
Now I want to see a spin off series about someone running a taco truck near the front lines in the war with Gilead.
I felt Evan Peters over played the drunk scene a little bit, but not enough to take me out of it. I have to admit, I have seen some drunk people slur their speech every bit as much as he did, but when they were, the things they were saying made a lot less sense then he was making.
TWD answers the question, what would it be like if we spend an entire hour on the mundane day to day crap our characters have to deal with, such as rodent problems and motorcycle maintenance with limited tools. And they answer came back, yep...not very interesting. The one thing I did really enjoy, was Daryl scanning…
Okay...seriously, where did the knock off storm trooper armor come from. What would that stuff have been used for pre-zombie apocalypse?
Yeah, I thought the same thing about the Ezekial dialog. I felt it was well done. Once it was revealed that he was a figment of her imagination, I thought to myself, no wonder he was talking that way. Most of what he said, just didn’t match his typical speech patterns.