He looks really good for being 80 years old. Next to him, Paul McCartney looks like the Crypt Keeper.
He looks really good for being 80 years old. Next to him, Paul McCartney looks like the Crypt Keeper.
When Aaron found the boar, I told my wife, this makes no sense. How did the boar get there and why isn’t it starving to death at this point? I thought it was just bad film making. Instead, it was well done, and an indicator that the place was not vacant. Gabriel and Aaron certainly should have put that together as…
I’d think if you were living in a post apocalyptic, zombie filled, hellscape, and you’ve tied someone up with what appears to be high quality rope in good condition, you wouldn’t want to waste the rope by cutting them free. Resources are limited...untie the damn rope so you can use it again.
You beat everyone to the joke. I was going to say Nobody will be in theaters April 2nd works both a release announcement and statement of fact about the state of theaters.
I was wondering how many viewers would even recognize that tune. I think if you put together a Venn Diagram of football fans, people who sit through halftime shows, and Siouxsie fans, you’d end up with a pretty tiny sliver of overlap.
I agree that it appears the way they did it, without consulting with directors and producers sort of sucks, but I am thinking it was actually a very smart move...this pandemic isn’t ending any time soon, and the alternatives aren’t great. Release movies only in theaters, where they will get only a fraction of the…
Agreed. I kept waiting for some previously undisclosed back story, where somehow Mando or someone who looked just like him, a twin perhaps, was part of the empire.
I’ve served on a few juries, and no, that certainly hasn’t been my experience. And really, nobody leaves their seat except the attorneys that are currently presenting their case or questioning a witness. For a judge to hop out of his chair and walk over in front of a witness is pure fiction, at least in US courts.
The courtroom scene was entertaining TV, and was meant to illustrate the judge’s character, but unless courtrooms have different standards in New Orleans, was kind of bonkers. Since when is it okay for a judge to start doing the defense attorney’s job for them, essentially calling new witnesses and questioning the…
Ah...that makes sense. Blink and you miss it...I must have blinked.
Yeah, I had the same feeling. I expected an arrow through the head as soon as he finished his monologue.
Wait...where did Aaron come from exactly? Gabriel was in the room alone, confronting the whiperers, Maggie and her pet ninja come in and save his ass, then all of a sudden, there’s Aaron standing there giving her the side eye. It didn’t make any sense...if he was somewhere in the room, why wasn’t he helping…
Do you happen to remember how much time passed between you downing that half bottle of ipecac and for the puking to start? I’d really like to know, because I expected it to be a bit quicker than depicted in the show.
Yes, this is a moronic decision as it pertains to Boondocks. Does Cartoon Network not realize that series as nominated for the NAACP Image Award for Outstanding Comedy Series? Yes, that NAACP.
I know this is nit picking, but the red plastic shotgun shells seems like a tremendous blunder. At that time, there obviously no plastics yet. The shells should have been made of all brass or brass with paper and wax.
Is that true? Was this a one and done series?
That’s pretty much how I interpreted it. Bella was working through the ways should could react to remembering her attacker and the events of that night, as possible endings for her book. That didn’t become clear to me until she started putting post-it notes on her wall.
Oh for F’s sake. You really need to have that looked at by a trained professional...digging up historical lunar phases to fact check a TV show must be a pathology of some sort.
Lila seems to be freezing time or teleporting or something during her fight with Five. Is that standard Commission training?
I was thinking the same thing, but then again, Five doesn’t engage whenever Diego suggests that they need to save Kennedy. I think Five knows that they should let Kennedy die, but he doesn’t want to argue that point.