Iggy Crash

This is the first article I've read on the matter that took the trouble to spell out the precise nature of the Little Sister's complaint, in order to point out exactly where the legal absurdity of it lie. Thank you for this. It's easy to snark about the subject; what you've done is informative reporting.

I went to Cambridge and can confirm that admission as a post-grad student - particularly a post-grad student of a 10 week (non-degree) course - is completely and utterly different to being admitted to the university as an undergrad.

Given that Wills is expected to assume management of a bunch of rural properties in

I also fucking hate when people do the backdoor being rich=being a good person through traveling. Like all those assholes who do the "Eat Pray Love" bullshit and talk about how experiencing other cultures makes you a good person. I have never left the United States because I am poor not because I am xenophobic. I

Denier? I hardly knew 'er! And even if I DID know 'er, I'm sure that anything you may have heard about 'er was just an invention of the Jewish media.

PIZ??? PIZ??? Are you kidding me? PIZ??

Super excited for this! Donated to the Kickstarter and everything.


One of the best 25 bucks I spent last year.

This seems to be a common theme, people trying to gain empathy for a disadvantaged group by literally putting themselves in their shoes. Being poor for a day, dressing up in a fat suit, disguising yourself as a different ethnicity, wearing blindfolds, going around in a wheelchair, etc.

Wait, what?

I'm giving PETA a pass here. After partially watching "Blackfish" (my heart broke just under halfway through) it confirmed what I pretty much already suspected. Sea World is HORRID. Exposing this fact - far and wide - is paramount.

smoking anything produces tar.

Every pop diva since has tried to emulate and failed horribly. See Gaga.

I'd smoke out of it. Why the hell not? I wouldn't even wipe off the Madonna spit with my sleeve.

I would very much like this to be my bathrobe.

She is the fab-est in all the land and can do whatever she wants as far as I'm concerned.

If there wasnt tobacco in it, it wouldnt be really be that unhealthy, except maybe to give her munchies for some nasty ass junk food. The image of her smoking out of a penis is kinda funny tho .


A simpler time where men whittled their Christmas gifts to give to their children and women used coat hangers to abort their fetuses so that they wouldn't have 19 kids living off of one sad farmer's 2 acre plot. Some say it was a better time.

Fucking Hobby Lobb—OOH PRETTY YARN.