I agree! I names my cat Henry for this very reason!
I agree! I names my cat Henry for this very reason!
Depressed kitty is depressed :(
I mean this:
Also filled with glee. BUT MORE EXCITED ABOUT DEELOW AUSTRALIAN! Can we be jezebel buddies? Seriously, none of my AUS friends get it :(
Yes you're right. I wish I could find a mailing address. I'll have to keep searching. Our government is very cagey about the detention centres. I'm also concerned that it wouldn't reach the women but just go to whoever opens and checks the mail as I can't address it to a specific person.
Okay. Fair call.
We do have drop bears though.
Ah yes, but the problem with corroboration is that the Australian goverent won't let people see the "centres" so there is no way to corroborate.
No. Shut-up.
We don't have bears in Australia...
A lack of product isn't the issue. Our goverent has enough money to supply these products without charitable donations. The issue is their distribution.
No. That defeats the purpose. We shouldn't have to send them hygiene products because our government has enough money to supply them! Also, it's about the fact that they give them out in limited supplies. 2 pads would last me 4 hours. If I were lucky.
I have schrodingers fat! It's not there until I look in the mirror :p
Chubby and fat aren't the same thing? Since when? I'm pretty sure they are. Fat is all the same. It's fat. It's not an ethereal concept. Fat is fat is fat.
Read it again! Read it again! Read it again!
From my understanding, in the US health insurance is now part of the remuneration package so it's the individual "money". So no, taking responsibility is not asking someone else to pay for it.
Ahhh! Makes sense! We don't have Axe in Australian but I'm assuming it like lynx which is the go-to deodorant for a lot of school boys.
Do small children really need deodorant? I have a 4 year old and I would never dream of putting that stuff on her skin! I can understand teenagers, puberty is a sticky, smelly time. But do little kids sweat enough to smell through out the day?
Perhaps. You'll never know though. I hope it doesn't keep you awake.
I thought about it but couldn't really be bothered.