Iggy Crash

:( Boo. Not to you, to the fact that if you encourage students to stand up for what they believe in you'd lose your job. I think things must be much worse than when I was in school because my teachers were incredibly vocal about their ideals and would encourage us to protest against things. I hate standardised

Protesting isn't anarchy and you should be telling your students how powerful they are. You should be encouraging this sort of behaviour.

I know a lot of couples who are just average, plain people but the palpable chemistry between them and their partners turns them into incredibly sensual, beautiful beings. It's often a really fleeting glimpse, but it's lovely to witness. I think a persons emotional range is what makes them attractive :)

I am with you on this. I often find people unattractive, but I keep it to myself! It adds nothing to a conversation.

I am with you, girl.

My fiancé suffers, unfortunately, from depression. It'd be so much cooler if he were an architect but, ya know, what can you do :p But the end result is similar, if he can just agree with my decisions he can concentrate on staying well and coping.

See, this is the problem with livin in Tassie. I tried to ride a devil to work, but they're not as agreeable as kangaroos obviously :p

My Fiancé is much the same! I'm a leader and he rarely has an issue with the decisions I make. When he does, he says so. He's just an agreeable kinda dude!

Don't forget out low-rate of gun-related deaths due to strict gun control laws! Wooooo! Go us. Seriously though, kangaroos and boomerangs aren't a part of every day australian life, sadly.

Hell yeah! I love Australian money. I am an Australian though, so I might be biased!

Isn't it the worst? Anything like that is flat out banned in our house. No ACA, Today Tonight or 60 minutes because they're just trash! They take the instigators side without ever actually doing any research. My Grandma's ex-husband went psycho when they split and started harassing her, called TT and gave them some

Oh piss off! It was Tracey fucking Grimshaw. A sell-out who works for one of the worst "current affairs" programs. He apologised and she went on about it for weeks just to get ratings. It was all bullshit.

It doesn't really matter how long it took him. I know very, very few people who can prioritise study over earning money, perhaps Spencer is like that. I've been doing my undergrad for 3 years and I'm not even half-way through yet. Some people plod a bit slower than others :p

Good fucking on them for playing the system! The rocky loud cycle of celebrity news and cash deserves to be taken for a ride by teenagers.

Argh! Can't watch the videos because I'm in good old Australia, so I'll just have to imagine they're hilarious.

.... Really? Honestly... Americans.

Married, mortgaged and pro-created by 23 here. If you think women canmt achieve independence in marriage then you're looking at the wrong marriages. I've nearly finished my undergrad, spent 4 years living on my own and paying bills while working full-time. Some people just don't faff around and pretend it some big

Did it occur to you they could be faux-leather?

Sorry Lady, your kids will always think you're Lame.

Yay! I love agreeing! Thanks for listening and taking in what I had to say. As a lifelong member of the itty bitty titty committee, this issue is close to my heart!