
I’m glad your cousin was able to be an honest outsider and that you got help. I hope your recovery continues and you don’t get back there again.

Feels a little like the reviewer has a lack of ability to empathize.

I believe the movie and characters were shallow.

But the reviewers comments that it is hard to believe anyone would be mean to this beautiful girl read more like a reviewer problem. Teens can be mean about ANYTHING. I got boobs freshman year. You

I’m confused. Being over 6 foot as a girl is something that people are super self conscious about, because they are treated differently both romantically and by their peers. Even attractive women over 6'0 are often crippled with self consciousness. Many men want nothing to do with dating them, there’s a lifetime of

I’d be more likely to confuse her for a crazy old drunk sitting in a chair with a gun than actual law enforcement.

Hillary Clinton’s sense of humor is amazing and legendary. Of course she brings up her emails, and your positing that the world has moved on from them is simply incorrect. Trump, Fox and co still bring them up all the time. And if you think we’re all going to refrain from “but her emails...” comments for every moment

Also, what has he done to his children that the only way to end a tantrum is by providing a beef product? 

Exactly. You didn’t become billionaires by being selfless. Just revel in your decadence so when you’re up against the wall you at least know you crammed as much beluga caviar, Moet and cocaine into your worthless face as possible.

Transphobes: “When you’re a kid, you don’t know anything about your sexuality or gender. It’s wrong to impose an agenda on them!”

“Mummy, you’ve destroyed my life! I shan’t speak to you ever again! Now....give me this week’s sack of money immediately!”

Oh, duh.  I forgot she was a recording artist. That is a great gift ❤️ Thanks for explaining in a nice way.

But by contrast, Murray the dog deserves all the acclaim that little shit Eddie from Frasier always got.

I guess I am about the only person in the world that thought that performance had no chemistry, was stilted and was cringingly awkward.

What’s next, editing “Bohemian Rhapsody” so that it ends right after Live Aid and doesn’t show anything that Freddie Mercury went through between then and his death?

I wonder why people are so fascinated by this case? Do they think the fact that this turned out to be a hoax proves that racism doesn’t exist? People seem awfully invested in this story. I’ve even heard Tawana Brawley discussed. How many of you remember the name Charles Stuart? Susan Smith?

My god she’s insufferable. I too haven’t forgotten her Blaxploitation Period™. And now she must hijack the LGBTQ community, just so she can claim that’s she’s not just bride, she’s a cool bride y’all! <eyeroll>

Miley is a shameless, utterly feckless, contemptible person. I haven’t forgotten her blaxploitation period, after which she denounced hip-hop as being “suck my dick” ad infinitum despite cavorting around with blowup dicks onstage of her own accord.

Shame on me for unintentionally omitting his Islamophobia!

Did anyone notice him unceremoniously letting go of the cat mid-air? I mean, the cat seems fine, but he could have bent a little to shorten the distance to the ground a bit...

I agree with you on most of this, but the world doesn't really need any more Mandy Moore music. 

I’m really good-no need to see more acts profiting from black culture without acknowledging it.