
Or you know, just get an Indian actor to play an Indian character instead of a white dude doing an impression.

But the first thing people think about with Apu is the over-the-top voice.

*Doesn’t need to check notes*

Which would be hilarious considering everything Trump has done. I don’t really give a shit what the GOP says about any of the candidates. Why would I?

Radiocarbon dating says it 18,000 years old.

Did the DNA analysis confirm if he was a good boy?

You know, it’s great that there’s Muslim American voices in American media right now. It’s great to see strong push back against Muslim sterotyping pre and post-9/11 especially as a Muslim. I always feel alienated by shit like Homeland, Jack Ryan and The Fallen movies where it still feels like it’s stuck in The Bush

I know this comment isn’t related to any of the headlines in the post but I am truly sad that Deadspin is over. 

This is a seriously awesome take after reading an article which directly explains the harm caused by the performers real names being public. Although, apparently the deranged people that target them are not at fault, it is on them for choosing that profession in the first place.

Because it’s a word that can hurt people when you say it, and it doesn’t cost you anything to avoid saying it. Learn to spit your favorite bars without it, it’s not that difficult.

Popular transgender comedian, activist, and actress- Daphne Dorman,
-dies of suicide.

The headline could be better. My first thought after reading it was that this transgender person was made fun of in Chappelle’s special and later killed themselves- not that her and Chappelle were friends...

Ronan Farrow is burning NBC to the ground and I am here for it. That’s what they get for trying to kill Farrow’s original Weinstein story in 2017. 

His lack of product placement or sponsorships is something I really value in his videos.  I like that most of the videos are focused on exploring spaces and cool machines rather than playing with specific toys.

My kids watch his vids... and I really don’t mind them? Is he an “influencer”? Never thought of him that way. I don’t recall him shilling for products like, say, Ryan’s Toy Review. It’s pretty much just simple kid’s entertainment as far as I can tell.

You think she modeled perfection on The Mindy Project? I thought she was a mess—-and that her messiness was basically the premise of the show.

Who are these people? Ice-T I know but that’s about it.

Yeah, this struck me as a bit strange too. It’s obviously a very heavy story, which makes pivoting to lighter celeb fare feel jarring.

Wasn’t Hamm implicated as the ringleader of some brutal frat hazing when he was in college?

Not saying he can’t change, and I find him incredibly charming. I really do want to like the guy, but the severity of those accusations definitely make me blanche.

That girl in the gif even looks like Shookus. Hamm is a definite upgrade though. I notice Jon’s Hamm is more drawn to women in the entertainment industry who do behind the camera stuff like writing and directing, I like that.  Basically if they’re not a 22 yr old model I’m impressed.

A lot, not all, but a lot, of the people that will bring this party up as proof Trudeau is racist, will be the same people accusing him of “destroying the country with immigrants or “bending over backwards” for people of colour.