I don’t know about you people, but this is great.
Of course its MidWest living.
I would like to think, and man would I ever, that they know what they are saying is terrible, but money is money. And some people pray to that baby more than anything else.
I always use cut up montages on YouTube to determine if I like something.
He has no discernible skills, so he knows the only way to make money is to be an insanely idiotic talking head.
To be the man, WOOOOOOO
Im just here for the HAWT CLEVELAND JOKES GUYS
boy, nothing like generalizing two shows from 45 minutes of watching
Bahahaha. It’s like we never left the old site.
I didn’t like Shacksbury. I am starting to drink more ciders now than ever before, and I can’t believe I am typing this, but I am “beered” out. I don’t know if I am officially dying, but beer doesn’t do the trick for me like it used to.
Are people excited for Destiny Part Deux?
Everyone crying because they can’t get out of the greys or grays.
Im 32 and the goatee is the first to go.
I myself still miss Gameology.
*Pours out Four Loko and Halo Inspired DEW for the homies*
Ive been so busy at work I haven't had a chance to tell you all I love you.
And God Speed.
Ive been so busy at work I haven't had a chance to tell you all I love you.
And God Speed.
Boy we got a real party pooper over here.