If you need a character witness, I got you.
If you need a character witness, I got you.
Really need a ‘In These Streets like a MWM’ shirt.
I volunteer for this job!
What ya’ll need is some troll killer because there’s no reason why the likes of adimsac should ever be out of the grays.
I’ve heard that women and people of color (and especially women of color) will only apply for a job if they think they meet almost all of the requirements. Meanwhile, white men will apply for a job if they fucking feel like it, even if they meet less than half of the stated criteria.
Holy shit I did not see that headline. Someone needs to have a new one ripped.
Whew, what a relief! Good for him! Special shout out to Stephen!!
I think I know who you mean.. yeah, quite impressive.. I support that nomination.
Yeah but she deserves better than being a freelancer, bring some benefits to the table and a contract for a start.
Is there a good way to get on the ground floor? Definitely do not have 3+ years, but would like to try to branch out...
Paternity Leave - man has a life
I don’t have the tolerance for being called the n-word in my inbox every day.
(Actually if I still lived in the States, I’d be all over this.)
I second third and fourth this!
I nominate Roo Sez Bish Please.
It's how Hamilton Nolan and Drew Magary got their starts...
Obviously stuff is going on at theRoot and i’m getting nervous & suspicious.
Same here. He should be reprimanded for that disgusting headline. Stephen Crockett would never.
What headline disaster?????
Can I submit my comment posts as proof that I could write for Ze Roote?