Ifteqhar Hussain Khan

Many English spoken actor potrayed far better of those famous latin spoken charecters in golden 60's in Hollywood,Think of the famous film The fall of the Roman Empire,or Benhur. If to potray latin charectors we need mordern Italic or Greek peoples,then how the egyptian actor Omar Sharif potrayed successfully the

No matter if he is English,Greek,or Roman or of English accents,we must see mainly who can potray this great mans personality,you are saying Greek Roman envirnment?in previous decades,what Hollywood alone has made the epic movies about Roman or Greek history even in English version and envirnment,the people of main

Wahlberg is not atall befitting as young or aged Julius Caesar,it would be rather great blunder,in my view only Christopher Plumer of old days could do it better than any body,but destiny just dis favoured him!