We didn't really have any, despite having a few bars of signal at the top of our structure.
We didn't really have any, despite having a few bars of signal at the top of our structure.
Best option for housing is a hexayurt paired with a swamp cooler. We built one this year and it was solid, kept us warm at night, and relatively cool in the day. Times that we were actually in there anyway...
Great, more ways to prove how American I truly am. Has anyone tried Burger King's cockroach burger?
Oh, I'm not arguing that the entire model wouldn't change. At best you're looking for VERY local based societies and economies, with infrequent injections of outside goods via travelers. That isn't to say you couldn't revive steam locomotives though. Last I checked, they didn't absolutely REQUIRE coal, coal was just a…
Not necessarily, you could run a steam or Stirling engine just as well using a parabolic solar reflector. This show flies in the face of all logic.
This is true, but not my takeaway from the presentation of his character. Also, in a world w/ no drug manufacturing process, many of the glandular disorders that would cause that could kill you (hypothyroidism, Cushing's Syndrome, etc).
My issue isn't what they like, but hey, if 4 of you are looking forward to the same game, pull that to the top of the article and list other games for your personal picks. Anyway, this isn't worth arguing. Just another fluff article.
This was my thought EXACTLY while watching Google Boy. No one 15 yrs post-electricity would be that fat. Not unless they were a brutal robber baron of some sort out of Fist of the North Star. In addition, I doubt anyone who grew up in that world (ie, Charlie) would be so naive about how things work. In the real world…
This is so ugly that I'm actually happy my launch 60GB died earlier this summer. The Slim, while feeling way cheaper than the Phatty, is still way better looking than this pile of dung.
Whats the point of this article when each of you is listing the same games over and over again? There's plenty of indie fare to be excited about, as well as other games...
Last I checked a fire extinguisher costs way more than dry ice. Unless somehow it produces TONS of the stuff, which I doubt. Wasteful.
"Raise awareness about the importance of clean air" BY POLLUTING IT FURTHER WITH A TRIVIAL, BULLSHIT PRODUCT. I wish him the fucking WORST.
Agreed, she's the least attractive of the popular Ukrainian actresses out there. Personally I much prefer Olga Kurylenko and, to a somewhat lesser extent, Mila Kunis.
In total agreement with you there. Not sure if I loved it more than, however I know that I found it just as intriguing and certainly equal to TDK. It's a different tale than its predecessor and it's a basic fact that is persistently overlooked; stories are meant to end. Unfortunately it's something we tend to overlook.
I personally like that look. It takes me back to the olden days of the NES and SuperNintendo. Fortunately we're not dealing with burgundy and gold like the Famicom...
You're not familiar with the Saudi lifestyle, I take it. These kids come from families with more money than can even be imagined. They import workers and use them as indentured servants if not outright slaves. And they have the time, loot, and clout to do whatever the fuck they want, whenever the fuck they want.
And here I was thinking I was in the minority for wishing the end of those two series...
I only clicked play to hate on it, but really, that IS quite lovely.
You're joking, right? "SyFy", the channel that changed their name to better resemble an STD than to cater to their *shudder* nerd followers? Yeah, sorry but they'll support shows as long as they can be filmed inside a house, bar, or other cheap set piece (Lost Girl, Being Human, etc). This is the channel that…
In TOTAL agreement with you. Fuck that movie.