
I don't understand why people keep saying that we didn't get the motivation behind that.
All we've seen of Stannis is him being under the thumb of Melisandre and she is the one who pressured him to do that and he does literally everything she tells him to do

What should Stannis' new shitty name be?

GOD ME TOO. Emilia Clarke was doing some A+ acting. I loved Tyrions face after she flew away, as well
UGH I just wanted her to fly that thing straight to Winterfell and burn the fuck out of Ramsay

Yep. He's on her "revenge list"

Real quick: Did Dany and her ladyfriend hold hands, close their eyes and summon the dragon? Is that what was going on there?

I think it was actually Ramsey who came into the camp … didn't he say something last episode or the episode before it to Roose like "I don't need an army, I need 20 men"

a song of ice and fire indeed

Killed the fighting master. He's also a pedo apparently so double-fuck him

Yeah, they show Olly WAY too much. He's going rogue for sure

I think she has to touch the spot where he's actually infected, correct? If so, he's still only infected on the innerside of his wrist

The only way Shireen's death will be even remotely okay is if it means Ramsay gets (brutally) killed


One of my all-time favorite horror movies. So good. Especially scary when you're claustrophobic.

The monster we caught a glimpse of looked exactly like the ones from The Descent so I'm just going to assume this is a prequel to that film

I really like this theory

Don't forget: the first episode had a scene with Ethan telling a therapist he wasn't having hallucinations anymore. That obviously has to play into all this somehow…

I think he will too. I just…it's just so hard to trust this show, haha.

Well I suppose dying in front the woman you love in a battle is better than dying because you're turning into The Thing

Ah, true. But didn't they say it can take some time, even years, to fully take over?

THIS. This really keeps bothering me