
he is

yup that part still haunts me so many years later

Our group has a deadpool as well and I have Davos in mine, which breaks my heart cause he's my fav.

Mine is so wonderfully embarrassing

Do you mean Edge of Tomorrow?


This is the correct order

Although I like your criteria for what makes a movie star, I wouldn't categorize Elgort as a "movie star" just yet. He's just an actor at this point.

Y: The Last Man is in development for FX. But it sort of feels like it will remain there forever

I'm not a big fan of the show either, but there's no reason to shit on people who like it in the comments section of a review of said show.

haha, I still think this show somehow peaked at it's trailer. The trailer was so fucking good

One of my favorite moments in TV history

Yeah closed captioning had it as 'cloud'

It took me a minute to get it but I really like that subtle touch. Like "Oh yeah duh"

Until it comes around later, I was like … "are they really gonna do this? Just shoehorn in another shows theme song as their own? BALLSY"

Yeah, I didn't really understand the vitriol he threw at her

This one doesn't have coffee. The other regular ones have caffeine in them though.

It doesn't have caffeine. It's basically a milkshake

This drink doesn't even have caffeine in it

Yes. I can't even imagine filming something like that