
Aw, that just makes me miss Better Off Ted

I believe Krieger using 'action' to sic his robodobermans is a reference to one of the Adolf-clones in Boys from Brazil!

Was doubly confusing for me the first time I saw it used as an insult because in my industry/sphere of reference 'cuckolding' is a kink.

Yea almost everyone in this episode was being shitty, Mindy not accepting Jody trying to not have sex, her and all the nurses being genuinely awful about STIs which is bad enough from the average person, but they're health care professionals.

I'm not saying those are good names, but they're also not that different from naming kids Hope, Faith, Prudence or Chastity.

Because pornstars aren't real people?

See, when I heard it I was just like, "umm that's…that's not how tampons work?" And then got realized I probably have 9 tampons in my purse and wondered if it really is weird.

Small point (and made late, I know) but I think the look on Gini's face wasn't concern about Dan's lack of ambition, but rather than he seemed to be giving up the contract to say in St. Louis with her.

I wouldn't be surprised if Pilcher had turned off the fence previously, but I wonder how easily the volunteers would have been sold on the need to start again.

Everyone is listening to the same music!

i've been to a silent disco before and it's actually pretty fun.

I was a bit confused by the smoke break as well. It looked like a cigarette but from his comment that 'they'd smell it in the kitchen' made me think it was a joint.

I'm from Vancouver and 'no worries' is just how we say you're welcome!

Yea, I mean, there is guys' field hockey in Vancouver but definitely no school teams before the University level.

I don't think Austin indicated that he enjoyed that at all, or did I miss something?

I don't dislike Gini, but it made me kind of happy when Shelley called her out.

I was under the impression that this just had to do with the social expectation/convention that you ought to go home 'with the one that brung ya' even if you go dance with other people.

phew, well thank god you explained why.

No, that happened post-mental hospital, which was after the banging of the fiance.

I believe fax machines are obsolescent, not obsolete. Not only does my university solely accept applications to the registrar in person or via fax, my workplace gets spam by fax all the time. We have it set up that you can receive the faxes in outlook though.