
he is undelusional in a way that pains us with the usual delusions of a just world

He is? Why? What part was “Delusional”?

I think its safe to say she’s grounded.

OMG, I’m going to have to walk my parents through updates on all their wifi connected devices?

“For the next couple days, avoid public wi-fi, try to stick with HTTPS sites, and remember to install all patches on your devices as they’re made available.”

Sorry, but the US is currently suffering a crisis of leadership. Please call back again in 4 years to see if the situation changes. If this is a real emergency, please contact Germany to speak to the leader of the free world.

I think collision with debris is pretty bad for anything we put up there, but I guess small could be a plus in this case. Less volume taken up means it’s less likely to be hit by anything to begin with, right?

Welcome to Trump’s America, snowflake.


maybe its time for a new constitution?

It’s nice to dream, but there’s nothing about any of that in the Constitution. Our only method of removing a president is impeachment.

Stirring the pot.

Let’s set aside the complete absurdity and bigotry of this decision for a moment. Just in general, whatever the subject matter is, shouldn’t deciding the implementation of policy happen before you go announcing it to the world? Seems like that should be part of the “consultation with my Generals and military experts.”

Being from inside the US, it’s objectively terrifying that we have a man like that in charge.

Being from outside the US, it’s objectively terrifying that you have a man like that in charge.

Those aren’t bulldozers, they are front-end loaders. This is a bulldozer.

Bet the sheep aren't happy either and they're not even getting paid.

Vaguely related story: Glasgow City in Scotland had major problems with people fighting in the drinking district. No shock there. So they changed the lights to a orange hue. Fighting dropped off dramatically. Why? You ask?? Simply, in orange light it is very difficult to judge distance. Thus punchy drunks were less