
Not being snarky or anything but maybe you are on the wrong type of dating site? I just turned 40 recently and I'm getting similar responses as I used to - albeit my usual date now is 40-mid 50s with kids.

Just a note about Carfax. I just went through the used car buying process for the first time in, oh, 20 years or so. A lot has changed since I bought that long ago Geo Metro. :-P

Also, he works (or worked) as an ibanker for a while and there are stories about him (mostly being crazy French dude) floating around. He is an interesting fellow aside from the ties to the former French president.

You're an awesome Mom. Keep at it. :)

*Fist Bump* to your Mom. I've been single for a long while and my now teenage daughter has met (I mean over dinner or at an event) a total of three guys I've ever dated (and those were longer relationships).

9 times out of 10, I do not care what size a guy's dick is (MEDIUM IS THE BEST, THO) and most fellas have nice sized penises. I don't want guys to worry, I enjoy your dicks.

When I get the guy's phone number (note: always get his phone number before you go out) I reverse lookup his number (whitepages.com) and then Google him. I haven't found that much weird other than a few guys with their phones in their exes names or that he's using a work phone for personal stuff.

I bought my kid a PlayStation a few years ago and after a few times, she stopped playing it. At least now I have a blueray DVD player in my house.

The platform is not all about hookups. Most guys I've run into on there noted that ladies will have "looking for a relationship" or something on their profiles. Most of the guys now ask what you're looking for at the beginning of a chat.

I would like to say that the Royals fan with the "If We Win, My Husband Will Buy Me A Puppy" sign has great taste in Corgi GIS images.

I know that some didn't like the Principal and her dog crashing the photo...but the Chihuahua's expressions makes the picture 1000x better.

I like and use P Tracker too.

You might want to explain who Miller is, i.e. Jeffery Miller, head of NFL security, just in case the link goes bad.

Get it, sea-men? Hah.

It was Extra Large Sport Mom's idea for the banner. Have you ever dealt with Extra Large Sport Mom? The one that insists that team snack is homemade and you're only allowed to bring one kind of juice in a certain size box?

I take it you have never been to South Jersey or, the north or western suburbs of Philadelphia??? Not all (actually most) Philadelphia fans are from the city proper.

Yeah, as horrific as the allegations are, that paragraph shouldn't have been included in the article unless those were things Alpha Phi sisters did.

OH JESUS FUCKING CHRIST, did we watch the same game? That hit was no continuation of the play...it was fucking egregious.