This is my first year as Big 10 fan, still trying to get a handle on the jokes, thanks so much.
This is my first year as Big 10 fan, still trying to get a handle on the jokes, thanks so much.
Yeah and there is no name of texter (it just says Today) and the time on the phone is there twice??
Yeesh, what a wonderful idea, because the thing I want to do is stand in line, get my hands all dirty and then touch my new iPhone 6 screen with my damn dirty hands.
Oh boy, yes, she is touching his junk. Do you see how she cups her hand behind her as it's going down?
I'm more surprised that people at Rutgers actually pretended to care about football for once.
Yeah, look at her legs in that photo. Whoever retouched that image should be looking for a new line of work.
I had the impression that the caller was commenting on the situation as a whole "It's terrible", not necessarily the tape itself. Plausible denial, y'all.
Normally, I'd argue the point with you, but how many other women are there at NFL HQ who are in a position to make a call like that? Are there any female VPs/executives/managers?
I have a teenager at 40 and it's exhausting. O_0 Also, of note, in the "affluent" town I live in, I'm the youngest parent in my kid's cohort, if you can believe that. There are a few parents who graduated high school before I was even born.
Remember, Ray Rice and her were "counseled" by Goodell back in May...
Jesus Fucking Christ, I live in the land of WE ARE and car sticker paw prints and all I can say too bad this letter wasn't sent two years ago.
I would not be surprised if someone from a Philly school complained to the NCAA about the call - it was publicized here in Philly for example. It would not surprise me that someone got butthurt about a famous coach from out of state paying attention to a hometown athlete, nevermind that Mo'ne was quoted as being…
Shhhhh! But, if you wanted to see some of the Eagles fan for real inanity on display, is kinda fun.
I thought him and Kate broke up for a bit and then got back together earlier this year?
While we are talking about this ladies, for those of you who use Apple products, right now would be a terrific time for you to do a personal security audit: make sure your account questions are not easily guessable and set up Two Factor Authentication (2FA) on your Apple/iCloud account(s).…
Because the leaker originated on 4chan, but now apparently he's releasing the images on Reddit to get points and Reddit gold.
He's ugly. Of mind and of face. The END.
Oh come on now, ya gotta cut Rutgers a little break with the histronics for it's been envisioning itself as a cute liberal arts school with a few sports teams for 250 years prior to this.
I'm confused...wasn't the situation at Mariah's *already* chaotic even before the babies? At least that is what it has looked like from her interviews, etc.
Just a point of clarification, whether or not a jury will hear about the robbery is dependent on the court's rules of evidence on who is bringing it up for consideration. A good explainer, written by an attorney, is here:…