Tomato Troll Follower

It’s just so funny because you act like people are sending you written invitations for you to suggest that they go subject themselves to sexual violence but I need your specific consent to say how I feel. Do you see how hypocritical you’re being?

I mean, if you’re allowed to go on angry diatribes and say horrible things to people whenever you want then I’m allowed to show support and love whenever I damn well please. My way of coping with the world going to shit and not trusting anyone is to concentrate and force myself to want the best for other people as if

Everyone is not totally miserable and lying about it. I’ve been there, but it’s not the whole truth. I genuinely hope things get better for you and you slinging abuse at me isn’t going to make me not want that. I’ve seen a lot of your posts and you have some really good ideas but then you wrap it up in these insane,

You really sound like you need help.

Yeah I was gonna say this. I don’t much like Kanye’s media persona or his style, but from everything I greedily hate-read about him, he really loves Kim. She really loves him. They love their children.

It’s pretty gross to accuse a black man of trying to “socially bleach” himself, but it’s particularly gross to minimize a black man like Kanye with that attack. Kanye’s last two albums (Yeezus in particular) directly and critically discussed the state of black men in America— he talked about the evils of private

You create a new burner account after each nonsensical Clinton post? Whatever your motives may be, you are a very sad person.

Lol you’re a pile of dog shit in human form. Go fuck yourself and your god you pathetic piece of shit.

Fuck you, Tomato Face.

Squid, not sure what the drama is and I don't care. You're a good egg and I'm not sure why a lot of people here are trying to psychoanalyze you, especially when they can't spot that Hoyo Afrika isn't even a real person. Keep doing your thing.

You know that Hoyo Afrika is really a white dude, right? He’s behaving the way he thinks black people do, which is apparently like the crows from Dumbo. Anyone who gleefully eats up his two-snaps-and-a-circle act is a dumb bumbitch.

They certainly would have. If she were white.

You think you’ve been polite? I’d hate to see what qualifies as nastiness.

Do you think that perhaps- just perhaps- I am the same person, and that like so often has happened this year, you are suddenly finding me on the opposite side of yourself in terms of the election? I know I’ve found myself at odds with many who I would normally be in agreement with.

Well, to be honest- a lot of the black community has difficulty with acknowledging dv as abuse. My mama raised me that no man “should” put hands on a woman, but also put the onus on me to not provoke them. There was a lot of dv in my family and in a fair # of black families that I’ve known. We don’t talk about it or

There’s lazy and there’s lazy. A song isn’t just a song. It’s a collection of people who together make a song. It’s not like JLo was doing a feature, where she just sang a hook and had no idea what it would be included in. This became her song. That she likely took a few days/weeks to finish her part on. I find it

Shouldn’t need to be said that no regular person would quit just because a co-worker also works with a rapist. In a regular work environment we don’t have the luxury or freedom of disassociation that JLo has or Meghan Trainor does.

First you’d have to buy that JLO didn’t know who produced her own song.

The key word in my statement was “knowingly” which you jumped right over.

I think you’d get that regardless of whether you were a celebrity or not. If you were knowingly working with a guy who everyone believed or thought of as a rapist that was getting away with it, you’d still get side eyed. At least I hope so.