You know what’s crazy....I worked at the EB games warehouse, at the end of our fiscal year we paid....PAID someone to take 3 tractor trailers full of fat boy and ps3 slims. Working not working we had no idea...Thousands and thousands of dollars....we all made minimum wage...but some arse got like 60 grand to take a…
How does nobody see the sarcasm here...
Yea yea yea you own crash bandicoot and no one else can use him and you can use him in multiple games meta vr blah blah ans thennnn there will be a market where you can sell him.....whoooooo the heck cares. You don't think there's gonna be 700 million different characters for sale all with skins? What makes yours…
If you had any knowledge of this you would know they’re at least attempting to deal with these topics in a decent way.
Thanks for this, what a well written answer.
Finally apartment renters and condo owners will have the chance for their homes to be crashed into at last.
Send the dinosaurs their awards in the mail and save us all infections, and useless articles.