If It's Not a Wagon, it's crap.

First aid kit. Rations. Water. Survival kit. GPS rescue beacon. Canada can be deadly.

Apple CarPlay. 100% requirement. 

The “brain drain” that continues in Quebec because of their separatist inclinations continues to this day. It’s a sure fire way to gut an economy. Heck, the “Bank of Montreal” is in Toronto now...

Yes... “High Frequency Rail” would be awesome, but we’ve seen many proposals in the past that never happened. This is exactly the type of thing incoming governments like to cancel to to look “fiscally responsible” and not affect rich people (who would fly anyway). Unfortunately.

Yes... “High Frequency Rail” would be awesome, but we’ve seen many proposals in the past that never happened. This is exactly the type of thing incoming governments like to cancel to to look “fiscally responsible” and not affect rich people (who would fly anyway). Unfortunately.

My car has power windows!

LOL. We can’t even get a “not slow” train from Toronto to Montreal. It’s literally faster to drive. Average speeds in the Quebec City - Windsor corridor are under 100 kph. This has a snowball’s chance in a sugar bush.

Looks WAY better than a Model 3 (or any Tesla, for that matter) AND has Toyota reliability? Shut up and take my money!

Would you trust his career criminal children to say anything that isn’t a lie?

LOL, wanker.

LOL at the Netherlands plates on that Crappilac. Like anyone in Europe would be caught dead in the POS.


BETTER looking than EVERY American sports car ever made. I’m looking at you Corvette and Viper.

Make HOV lanes a 3 person minimum (like normal modern progressive places), problem solved.

I can’t wait until he can’t dye it anymore.

He has no hair. That is a hair piece. 100%.

They’re finally going to may Wankel Rotary engines?

Wow, they managed to make the ugliest car on the market even uglier, bravo.

Yup, give me the regular wagon any day.