Cai Carney

I am not sure he loves Taiwan because he doesn’t seem to understand even the most basic aspects of its culture.  I feel bad that his life got fucked up by the media targeting him, but I’m not surprised and I feel like littering repeatedly in videos and demonstrating a general lack of respect tells me that he wasn’t

Having lived in Taiwan for almost two years in the early 2000s, it really doesn’t surprise me that he very quickly ran afoul of the Taiwanese population over what we view as fairly minor indiscretions. In my experience, while they’re outwardly welcoming, there’s an underlying current of mistrust which can quickly

Taiwan or America?

And yet the consequences were largely disproportionate to his “crimes.” Getting doxxed for a crime that almost all of us have done at one point or another is ludicrous. And to say that he and his family getting doxxed was “his fault” is even more so.

Nope, that’s something else.

Developers started making big announcements in the weeks leading up to E3 a few years ago to prevent their news getting overshadowed

I’m guessing it is not a Fallout 5 or remaster. Probably a new type like Fallout MMO of some variety(survival/BR/RPG). I hope for a Elder Scrolls 6 at E3 though.

Yeah I think its hilarious that its a shopping cart and knowing Epic they are going to make it powered only by rolling it downhill or by getting a running start with it.  

Why are they acting like PUBG was the first? Is it because H1Z1 has been in early-access for 10 years and was released after? I hate battle royal games but it seems to me Fortnite seems the most fun and original of the 3.

The primary reason Bluehole has to lose this case is because Fortnite is a derivative work with the derivation lying solely on the vague concept of what constitutes “battle royale” gameplay.

Well then, this move by Bluehole just made me abandon them completely. I haven’t played Fortnite before and I do own PUGB, but fuck shitheads like them if they want to be scummy like this. Fortnite, here I come, just in spite of Bluehole to increase your playercount.

So, PUBG invented Battle Royale?

Well thats one way to piss in your own cereal

Ballsy, I like it. Hoping Epic can take away Bluehole’s Unreal Engine licence so they have to rebuild the game in Unity.

Ultimately, this just makes Blue Hole look pathetic.

I don’t know how this works exactly but this reminded me of that time when the Fine Bros. over on YouTube wanted to file a trademark for the word “REACT”. It seemed like they wanted to take control over all reaction videos.

Oh dear lord...

I was a GameStop store manager when Grand Theft Auto 4 (IV) released and I had at least a dozen people ask to buy “Grand Theft Auto Ivy” without the slightest hint of irony.

Call Of Duty has been the top-selling franchise for nine consecutive years in North America. I think it’s safe to say that “nobody” is perhaps a little inaccurate.

I’m sure someone asked for it. Anyone?