
Am I alone in finding Jon Stewart smug and non funny?

How can the crowd just sing merrily sing along for 3 minutes? She was like feenin/having a break down in front of them.

Thanks. Its a shame, Vancouver is a lovely city. But it is good that many folks were part of the clean up.

Hey that's about ten more black folks than my good friend reported growing up with in Vancouver :)

So, was this really a fan riot or the work of anarchists using the opportunity, as has been also reported? (Or some combo)

This is idiotic and frankly I am concerned that these people don't have better security. No one should be able to get that close to these people in such an agressive manner.

The conversation about the headscarf made me think of this wonderful TED talk by Kavita Ramdas, "Radical women, embracing tradition"


It was very sad. Though I am pleased to say she finally left him and is safe and sound several states away with her son.

I agree that the winter shoes are tougher. But I have found nice dressy flats, low heels in Corso Como and Cole Haan. I have also had good luck with some models from Delman and some Italian/Spanish brands.

I similarly watched my best friend's father turn into scary dad upon the abuse of his older daughter. My friend's sister came to the house holding her baby, disheveled, crying, screaming that her husband choked her and threw the baby. We all knew he had a temper and was mean, but had no idea...I was shocked to watch

That wasn't funny then and it isn't funny now. And neither is the glitter.

Exactly. These are ineffective and don't add any credibility to the cause.

That has been my experience as well (although I come from a black American background). Cornrows on men (rightly or wrongly) are associated with hip hop and low brow, low class culture. In my "black community" they aren't discussed as cultural at all. I remember having to tell my father upon meeting one of my college

Wow that is fantastic.

Cornrows require much more maintenance than the average fade.

Where can two semesters of grad school tuition be covered by 7,000? are you in the US?

The nearly all black and Latino school where I volunteer banned cornrows for boys years ago when we instituted a uniform policy. Our black principal called them "prison braids". Dreadlocks are allowed.

I just love that these seemingly little stories live on for decades.

I would like to see some of these articles include photos that look like this sometimes.