Matt Lauer has sucked for so long and we just . . . accept it.
Matt Lauer has sucked for so long and we just . . . accept it.
Holy WTF Batman!
Lol. No. You have started with a strawman. I never said any such thing. Only HRC supporters speak in such purely relativistic terms. You do so because all you got is “she’s better than Trump.” So you focus on he being “the second best in american history” (which is, in fact, patently false — although I’ve never said…
“I hope the police are able to find who did this...”
...shit, all they’ll have to do is look over at the desk next to them.
Jack off online, repent. Repeat as necessary.
Sigh. I’m not talking about “forcing” anyone to do anything, because NO ONE IS GETTING DRAFTED. Nobody. It hasn’t happened since 1973. And most people don’t expect the draft to *ever* be reinstated, given how complex military roles have become. It’s a strawman.
This poem is always worth posting; “Rape Joke” by Patricia Lockwood.
He and Michael Vick should have a TV show. I’d watch the “Carlos Danger and Ron Mexico Hour.”
There are at least 2 other candidates running who aren’t Trump or Clinton. Consider one of them.
You can get hyper analytical, but it seems pretty clear that Bill has mistreated women for a long time and Hillary has done her best to be part of the machine that keeps him clean enough (and in the process rolling over those women) that they can accomplish their political goals in spite of his behavior.
Like a fine wine, the answer to “do you party?” gets better with age.
I AM that older guy on the other side of 40. I can tell you for sure I meant ‘blow.’ But I was also thinking that anything can happen once we’re in the rail-yard. (Maybe some sexy time, who knows? Maybe a late night game of Quiddler.)
Anybody who says “do you you like to party” A) has awful cocaine, and/or B) uses fratty coke argot like ‘skiing,’ ‘pony,’ ‘yatch.’
The reason why that is so hard to convey is that the abuse doesn’t start with the first hit. Abusive relationships may start with subtle control and isolation measures and likely build on years of existing self-esteem issues or abuse patterns. With my ex, I remember when we’d leave a party and he’d subtlely make a…
Ya, it’s the 21st-century version of “pale, thin, big-eyed tubercular beauty” standard. Every century needs its fragile doomed lovelies, right? :p
I have always loved her, I guess she is one of my favorite actresses (although I’ve never given it much thought but if she was in it, I watched it. Simple as that.) I thought she was really at her best in Stranger Things, she reminded me of Dee Wallace in Cujo which is about the highest compliment I can give to on…
My car is 10-years-old and my friends will ask me when I’m getting a new one. And the answer is when this one no longer works because right now it gets me from point a to point b and the ac works and I have no payment and really that’s all I require.
Wow, tried to flee the scene twice, kicked/flailed/screamed and he wasn’t thrown to the ground and shot for “escalating the situation.” This is the kind of incident that needs to be thrown back at “All Lives Matter” idiots.