So? Why should it matter? You use products most likely that are made by people you disagree with. Example: Oil companies and their products.
So? Why should it matter? You use products most likely that are made by people you disagree with. Example: Oil companies and their products.
My temper and tendency to use twitter to vent has been a consistent problem since I entered the games industry, and I just can't do it. I don't have the willpower necessary to be the "face" of a company. If I do continue to work in games it'll be as an anonymous 1 of 1000 at some shitty corporation, not the most…
I doubt Valve took it as a serious death threat either, but they had to show that there's consequences to acting like a prick instead of an adult.
I absolutely loathe ASM 2. Like Bricken on MOS level hatred. Having said that, that is a cool Rhino concept. Fuck these new Spider-Man movies, they're awful and I hate them.
No its not only her. But Kotaku has an agenda to push. The game director from Black Ops 2 at its height got 1,000's of death threats a day. No one cared then.
Personally, even if I had the money to throw at a collection this big, I wouldn't. Most of the fun of collecting is hunting down each item, or finding them by happenstance, and watching your collection grow over time.
Can I just say how surprising it is that this game along with Wolfenstien: The new Order (both of which I knew nothing about other than the title and was ready to write off) are really good and the big hyped up games like Watch Dogs and Destiny were underwhelming at best? This console generation thus far has been one…
Late Orc: "Hey guys, what's going..."
It's obvious, she's searching for clothes.
No one simply walks into Mordor.
I like how they phrased it!
I'm waiting for the inevitable Jezebel post about this...
Don't you just hate it when Jezebel invades io9?
Say what you want about her opinions, but this is spot on:
You sold an unlocked iPhone 4 for $75?? Good god man, you fucked up.
Except it IS a name and has always been his name. Beta Ray Bill was still Beta Ray Bill even when he was the god of thunder for a couple issues. And whenever anyone that wasn't exactly the same dude as Thor was acting as Thor, it's because the real Thor was nowhere to be seen and his spirit or soul was somehow…
Well, at least something about this game is entertaining to me.
Yea, good thing no one asked me. Or else I would have told them that this is a lazy, dull idea for a thesis project.
not going to happen when people can hide their real identities. if that information was public most of the people playing would quiet down in a hurry.