
It's hard to choose sides when hashtags control everything. This whole debacle is fueled by mob mentality tactics. And is illogical at best.

I disagree with Anita, and I agree with some of her points. I disagree of GG, but agree with some their points. So I can't fully agree with either.

I at least know one thing I

Now I am done with Anita.

She is now saying that concealed, law abiding citizens are equal to threatening criminals. With no evidence to support her claims. Now she is going to have her twitter mob hate on concealed carriers for no reason now.


Right. So when a man murders a black man. It's the Nazis fault?

Just because someone threatens a feminist, doesn't mean they are anti-feminist. Just because someone threatens Anita doesn't mean they are gamergate.

When someone threatens gamergate, I don't make the conclusion that they are a feminist.

You just lost me. Can you repeat what you just said in a another way?

About time Gawker mentions that gamergate was not mentioned and possibly not involved with this crap.

There are douchebag feminsists, there are douchebag gamergaters. There are also nice feminists and there are nice gamergaters.

But lets not forget that there are just plain jane douchebags that hate particular things on

I was thinking they were waiting for it to actually turn off in game.

Dang son. What you running? I got a 2500k, 6 gigs of ram, 6900Utlra, and I only spent maybe 600$ for all of that. And this at least breaks the minimum requirements.

Agreed. Ubisoft is trying. Even though it isn't perfect.

I really am curious as to why they decide to move them into a another building and not into a small office in the same building. I do know why they don't keep them at their original desks though. But why separate them like a leper colony? That would depress me as

I like this change.

I would also recommend that Kotaku take the first step in changing how games are reviewed before release. Stop giving us a numerical value or a rating on whether we should buy the game.

I just assume that everybody on youtube who reviews a game is getting paid to review the game. Paid by the publisher.

At least you have that going for you. You're an engineer, and can keep being good at what you are good at.

Imagine an artist who wants to leave this industry. All they have left is the VFX industry and that is the same debacle with the layoffs and horror stories. Then you have freelance. And that is just as much of an

Was going to mention glassdoor, but others have already. I don't want this industry to be unionized though. Because a union isn't going to suppress the greed of man, it's only going to shift to a new source of greed. We just need more rewards for companies to actually hold employees after a game is made, give them tax

My last "big promise" was Brink.

I am tired of seeing this aesthetic.

I expect video proof of your deeds.

Totally agree. I developed the habit of just waiting until the game ships and read what users have to say about it.

This is a false statement "However, there are no mirrors on the island, and they never talk about eye color, so the dragons have been living in blissful ignorance throughout the ages."

I feel you. I had a friend who sold his shop as well, maybe 4 years ago.

I still keep collecting the paper. And I would never sell my collection that I have now.

"Now imagine being in a situation where you are afraid for your life and are sneaking up on someone you need to murder or they're going to kill you and your family. Feel those emotions. Think about how your muscles would be bunched, how you'd try to control your breathing. Your teeth would be clenched. You jaw

lulz. Figured comic books would have been on that list. But I don't think Asia focuses on this kind of collecting. I am going strong with 12 boxes of comics. Wish they would do a US focused poll on this. :P