
Why the f- would he be loyal to the West over his own nation? And Hong Kong is a part of China. People from Hong Kong are Chinese. Why shouldn’t be he proud of his people? What does this have to do with the Chinese govt?

So the Galaxy won thanks to some deus ex maquina.

Obviously if you are poor and not white your life already sucks and prison won’t affect you that much anyway.

And now I want an Overwatch anime

Couldn’t I say the same thing about you? Like when you make a great that getshe national acclaim then you can talk. Until then, well you’re just a nobody right?

Why call it “motorized doping” when you could use the much more accurate, much more straightforward, much less obfuscating “cheating?”

Is it just me or was that headline kind of confusing?

A cynical part of me hopes he never gets caught so he can forever be the mystery vigilante fighting against the tyranny of left lane hogs.

I think she is saying that it was rape, but it wasn't rape-rape.

7.) Move the team to Baltimore

I always think that people who select or prefer employees (or actors or whatever for their project/company/job) consistently with little experience really want subordinates that are less likely to see mistakes from above or to further widen the power imbalance.

So, she totally rebuffed his flirting and he’s taking his hurt fee-fees to the media, right?

That’s a lot of beverages (alcoholic and non-alcoholic) for a 13-minute “concert”. 5 t-shirts? 5 towels? Is he soaking the towels in juice and squeezing them into his mouth? Does he have a battery-powered towel squeezer which is why he needs all those batteries? I have so many questions.

Underrated and overrated are the worst categories in sports journalism. “Is Steph Curry’s defense better or worse than your perception of the public’s perception of Steph Curry’s defense?”

That implies that friendship and sexual attraction are mutually incompatible. They’re not.

I’ve many friends whom I’m attracted to and would, were circumstances different, cheerfully sleep with. The fact that I’d be interested in having sex with them doesn’t negate my friendship with them, nor does it get in the way

Right. But if said rookie challenges All-Star X to a one-on-one after practice and decides to attach a bet for the dinner bill to that game, the situation is very different from what you just described, no?

Your incorrect minority opinion is noted.

After reading Jia’s piece on “bullying” yesterday I am starting to notice the prevalence of the term in the media on a whole other level.


I have failed to be a good samaritan so many times out of fear of other people.