
Wasn't it a major plot point too that mikasa was one of the last ethnic Asians still around in what seems like somewhere in Central Europe?

Just to clarify, no, the phoneticized "X" is not pronounced with a "Ch" sound. That's patently incorrect. "Xing" would be pronounced "Shing." However, the phoneticized "Q" is pronounced as a "Ch," meaning the last dynasty of Imperial China was pronounced as the "Ching" dynasty. Given how similar it sounds, I strongly

Oh come on, Asian people are always with the "Hey, my ching chong, what's up?!" Why can't non-Asian people say it?

Remember a little while ago when Bill O'Reilly was running his mouth about, "Everyone talks about white privilege. Why don't we talk about Asian privilege?" Well, Bill, shit like this is fucking why.

Don't be friendly to men; it only encourages them.

Yeah the friend zone is not universally applied. My freshman year one of my guy friends always texted me "can we talk" and then basically complained to me about the fact that I'd "friend zoned" him. It did not make me like him more, or even want to be his friend anymore.

A totally valid issue in society, yet I cannot get the irony over hearing women complain when they are paid no attention at all, and the many many many stories of people having met as perfect strangers because one had the guts to approach the pretty stranger. Just like when someone they like approached them is

I can claim no understanding of how my gender thinks this to be appropriate.

And that's why people continue to dwell on Zoe Quinn, Anita Sarkeesian and Brianna Wu? None of the Gamergate stuff has remotely been about how AAA publishers interact with media outlets. The ethics claim is a fig leaf for 'aggrieved' gamers having an existential crisis.

So because you've never seen it, it isn't common. Check.

Yikes! judging by a lot of the responses to my first post, the sarcasm must have got lost.

Just now noticing that white men get a pass from Jezebel commenters? Word to Michael Fassbender.