
I love the racism charge. Man that’s so great!


Yeah, you left out President Obama who not only received the award 9 months into his Presidency but was actually nominated for it 11 days into his Presidency.

Oh for fucks sake - you just made “illegal immigrants” all asylum seekers.

You have it backwards.

First of all - “illegal” aliens are making a choice. We, as a nation have no responsibility to them. Period.


You really don’t understand this at all. Political correctness is a self defeating strategy as anyone can logically deduce but they simply stop at “that’s offensive to those people and I won’t stand for it!”

“easier” not “easy”. And if you really can’t answer your own - now corrected - question then please don’t vote because you are an ignoramus.

Soooo fight racism with MORE racism?


WOW - you snowflakes are so ridiculous.

According to worldwide projections for deliveries of this entire category, almost no one needs any of these at all.

I think people don’t ride bikes very much anymore because this is a sad statement.

Where are the dinner plates piled high with Giraffe?

They’re all rather nice,

I’m sure if we could wrap it your hyperbole it would be so much better...

Something else this does that you missed - prevents your hair from being ripped out by sticky, wet, grubby little fingers!

Now substitute “Hillary”, “Chelsea” and “breasts” for “Bill”, “Paula Jones, Juanita Broaddrick, Kathleen Willey, Eileen Wellstone, Carolyn Moffet, Elizabeth Ward Gracen, Becky Brown, Helen Dowdy, Cristy Zercher” and “dick” and you might have something!
