
It isn’t holding too many of those these days and I think the total capacity is under 2,000 but I’m not entirely sure.

No blowjobs in the bathrooms then?

Kinda like the Clinton Foundation’s impact on Haiti?

So how do you feel about a President born in Hawaii who doesn’t know there 50 stars representing 50 states?

Or when Barack Obama didn’t know why there were 50 stars on the flag?

Democrats and healthcare - always a corrupt game that makes “We the People” pay more...

So sexual abuse doesn’t matter?

Fair point but I wasn’t even talking about Monica (BTW way did you know Hillary - apparently - has an intern named “Monica” working for her right now? Yeesh!), she was just the one that he lied to Congress about. There were so many others for Bill and still are.

You ignorance is fabulous.

I’m not a Trump supporter. This election is a disaster on so many levels it is ridiculous but, you did assume I was a Trump supporter.

Well, my ignorant friend, “Bimbo” is Colin Powell’s word as per his email leak and it was quite clear that he was referencing Hillary’s use of the word.

I love that. I really do. You’re so retro binary!

Too many blacks that why - Hispanics are the new blacks - and they don’t have one.


When will the SJW protests start?

But Vampires and epileptics do.

Howard Dean has a LOT of things....dementia for one.

As opposed to an actual sitting President “doinking bimbos” in the White House and molesting women all over the country for 8 years?

Certainly less than Hillary did. She gets woken up for the occasional public appearance to let everyone know she hasn’t died yet - - and of course to take her dehydration pneumonia epilepsy medication.

The Black Moon rises tonight! But if you’re worried about catching this “rare” phenomenon don’t be—it’s actually not that special.