
Sadly not! Sounds like something that could be very good to boost the morale of my little army though.

Good luck battling inequalities with those type of politics.

Yeah, so I’ve gathered. Too crazy.

Our army is about as terrifying and impressive as a sleeping chihuahua. But we’ll try our best! I’ll gather the entire army, should be at least 10 guys or so, and swing by America tomorrow.

It’s so unbelievably awful! I honestly cannot understand how it can be 2016 and the US is still so far behind on this?

This is beyond insane. As a Swede, I do forget how fortunate we are to have such good parental leave, and honestly I just can’t wrap my head around how on earth parents make it work in the US? Or even in other places in Europe - my husband is Spanish and we were considering settling down there. However, they only have

Can you believe that Ex-Machina didn’t even reach the cinemas here in Sweden? Such a disappointment.

That’s bullshit. Why don’t you have anything to say about Beyoncé not commenting then?

Not to be the most boring person in the world but both ashes and bodies are shipped through airports fairly often. When I worked at the airport, everyone knew how to deal with that kinda stuff because it was so common.

*in the picture ffs.

That is a super fake pic. The girl on the picture, Swedish Natacha Peyre, has never been in a relationship with that guy.

Wow, why Anders? Is your partner Swedish? I’d say that here in Sweden, Anders is an amazingly uncommon name for babies as it’s considered very old and not so cute. Also, how would you pronounce that in English?

NO. She’s OK in Swedish movies but oh my god how bad she is in all others. Prometheus? Sherlock Holmes? what the actual fuck is up with her in those two?

Because he is a terrible fucking person because he killed her, not because he doesn’t have legs. When you make pissy remarks about his fake legs you’re being rude and terrible to all people of disabilities - not just to him.

You’re nitpicking. Isabel of Castile and Ferdinand of Aragon started the Inquisition. Even if by then there was no Spain, believe me - here they are considered Spanish monarchs.

Um, I live in Spain and most people here argue that the Inquisition was one of the most terrible things to happen here. Do you seriously think they're all ignorant and too affected by Hollywood?

I sure hope so :(

Unless anti-Muslim politics is something you really like - don’t move to Denmark.

Yes it would. Also, all the “take his leg”-comments in here piss me off. Hate him all you like, don’t we all, but please lay off the stupid comments about his prosthetic legs. It’s just too shitty be an ass about that.

Eh that’s not at all what was said? What’s so wrong with thinking that a) it’s good that she owned up to what she did, and b) apologised properly for it?