
Only if it shoots past the April 25th date and shows up some time in 2019, oh and by the way it turned out to be $150 instead of $70.

This “clarification” that JonTron has offered makes part of his problem incredibly clear.

It is perfectly possible for a person of a racial or ethnic background other than “Anglo-European” to hold particular prejudice—or even racist beliefs—toward white folk. Similarly, it is possible for a woman to hold sexist beliefs

You guys should spend some more time covering Early Access games like this one.

“The hand. Did you find the hand?”

You’re certainly entitled to your opinion, but maybe you could elaborate on what exactly you found to be boring. Because at this point it sounds more like you have a bit of a crush on 3 old men and no one else will do.

Only if it’s on the correct wheels.


I mean, not surprising. You can be an idiot on the internet all you want. We’re all dicks sometime. But once you regularly start going, “Hey, lets see how racist and shitty I can be,” even in the context of something like Fiverr, you’re doing it wrong. Everybody’s trolled before. It’s an internet rite of passage.

But I won’t

I’m right there with ya’, buddy. I spent 90 minutes figuring that “there MUST be a weapon around here SOMEWHERE.”

Don’t act like you go to parties.

NO! Charles Boyle doesn’t approve of that sprinkling style.

Confucius say,

totally agree. CSB time:

Thankful indeed of all the rad peeps on Jalopnik, OPPO, and LaLD. Hoon on everyone.

When you’re in charge, it’s pronounced “management.”

That is an Egyptian Sherman with an AMX-13 turret grafted on.

you missed Martin Shkrelli