
Yeah, it raises an interesting question, and I’m sure this will keep coming up with more and more “service” games in the future. But if you bought vanilla Destiny 2 on PC (which came out in late October), you had less than a month and a half with this stuff before it locked you out. That’s kinda nuts.

so basically you’re telling me I shouldnt have bought this game at launch because here we are like a year later and theres so much more content being added and I just dont care because I played the unfinished released version

I can’t think of a more stupid complaint than saying one videogame rips off another. I’ve never once in my life heard that complaint about Battlefield, Call of Duty ripping off Medal of Honor, NBA 2K, Star Wars Battlefront, any racing game, any cart racing game. It’s just so goddam stupid to think you can only have

You also suck at aerodynamics because all you did was look at the Cd and totally ignored frontal area. Drag has two components. Cd is one, frontal area is the other.

It’s a red light for cars in that photo. You can tell by the green pedestrian signal.

Thank you for that high-compression gif showing the difference between the original and remaster.

It was a hypercar, after all.

This is hilarious since this is the same organization that lets Maldonado race.

The Escala is used in ads to help drive traffic to the dealer. It’s called the Cadillac Escala aid.

That’s not what they meant by SKYACTIV.

Xbox One X also abbreviates to “XBOX” which I’m sure will cause no confusion ever.

Oh, i thought these were new Paladins characters for a second there.

This is partly why I dislike Bethesda games.

I’m just going to say it: I always enjoy vintage racing far more than modern. The racing is often tighter and harder fought and frankly I think the cars look miles better than moderns.

The guy that I had a HUGE crush on in high school and into college lent me this after I borrowed his entire BLAME! collection. It took me ages to finally watch it, I was thoroughly confused, but it did give me an excuse to talk to that guy a lot.

It’s called Püper.

Inside, you’ll find literally thousands of game deals from the likes of Ubisoft, Deep Silver, Focus, Konami, and more.

Inside, you’ll find literally thousands of game deals from the likes of Ubisoft, Deep Silver, Focus, Konami, and


reports were that the vandalism earlier this year—including a message keyed into the car that said “MOVE”—did $7,500 worth of damage.

Only if it shoots past the April 25th date and shows up some time in 2019, oh and by the way it turned out to be $150 instead of $70.