
is there’s no english version planned at all for the vita? atleast for the asian market?

i’m still confused as to why the TV Recaps is not atleast posted at the O-Deck...

or the epicness that is the Gaunt’s Ghosts series.. a comic book/animated feature on Necropolis alone will make jaws drop..


I seem to remember i found a slice of party cake on some trash can when i last play it, but i could be wrong :)

For super digestive skill i’d nominate Infinite’s Booker.. LOL

Iko is in SW too, but he got no lines

i think it would be better if its something like “..famous for his roles as Hans Gruber and Professor Snape, to name a few..”

COTD Inception!


do not jump on more advanced tracks till you get the physics engine and drift mechanics right, kid, when you do though, you’ll be facing Bunta in no time..

The game got my namesake car, nice! Gotta hunt for this one!

Ezra’s lightsaber from the Rebels series is like that, with stun bolts too!

sooo... grounded to the ground?

also, engaging.

Is that the one with the dent on the door? No, wait, the back bumper?

i swear i’ve met a GodHammer Mk.2 on my days playing World of Tanks, an acquintance of yours perhaps?

Hamster is twirling his moustache inside, too!

Hmmm, i wonder if the D-Sport is meant to compete with the N-One.. Or do they have a league?

thanks, Ctrl-D to the rescue!!