
Clarkson doesn't own anything. He sold everything to the BBC in 2009.

I was under the impression that neither side had issued any sort of official statement; so everything we're getting is mostly rumor. But the things I've read said he threw a punch, if that's true he should be fired, or punished strongly in someway. If it was just yelling and throwing a fit then firing might be extreme

If he threw a punch, even if it didn't connect, he can be fired with cause. He might not be able to be tried in a criminal court (which would be absurdly unlikely anyways, even if he did connect) but he would still be laughed out of court if he tried to bring a wrongful termination suit against the BBC.

Harris Hill! Harris Hill!

Might as well get the most fun/mile you can out of it then. I suggest taking it to Harris Hill. They didn't say those miles couldn't be track miles right?

Let's just forget that Top Gear has already been recast once... May wasn't an original member of the show. Either way Top Gear has been getting worse for years as it gets more and more scripted and less and less realistic.

Chris Harris.

There is no way Clarkson could sue anyone for anything. He punched a coworker that is ASSAULT. If he is fired it will be for cause. He'd be laughed out of court.

I love Top Gear and I love Clarkson, but he fucking punched a coworker. That is absolutely grounds for firing, in any organization. I hope Top Gear stays, but I won't be angry if it doesn't.

I don't find it that surprising, I never though it was attractive. Also it's best as a long distance GT car but the maintenance schedule made racking up the miles on one not only expensive but also a massive pain. Ill never understand the thought process behind buying one.

I'll never forget Sutil having the drive of his life in a crappy Force India car at Monaco in 2008 only to be rear ended by Kimi with a few laps to go.

Looking to buy a 540i

Already own a miata

My commute is much shorter than it used to be so I'm less concerned about reliably and I'm just a little bored with it. Looking to buy an E39 540i

Well I have a 2013 FoST ST3 and im typing this from a stealership as I get an appraisal on it. What does that say about it?

Fuck you milk is awesome.

Okay question. Why does it seem like on carbuying you guys never list the price, not here or in any of Tavarish's articles? It clearly isn't a Jalopnik wide policy because the price is included in the title of every NPoCP?


I could see someone making a decent living turning this into a crazy party barge.