I agree with everything you just said. Boom, common ground.
I agree with everything you just said. Boom, common ground.
Again, the streets of New York are not a highway. By your logic I should be able to drive down any street at 80 miles per hour as long as I have a car that can "handle" it.
This made national news. Can you reasonably expect an organization with the size and high profile that the NYPD has to ignore this when it's being shown on CNN? Believe it or not PR matters, even if we think it's stupid. And honestly we don't know how much effort they had to put into this, it's probably less than what…
Okay I think I need to take a step back, because I'm getting to emotionally involved in this argument and am probably taking things too far.
I apologize, I was being a bit of a dick, and the whole part about pickup trucks and my job doesn't matter at all.
The streets of New York city are not the Autobahn. This wasn't simply going a few miles an hour over the speed limit, he was trying to set a record. The speed limit in huge sections of what he was driving was much less than 65 miles per hour. He ran at least 1 red light. He was weaving though traffic, and just because…
I severely disagree that all hoonage takes place on public roads. Hoonage occurs in parking lots, on race tracks, on off road trails in plenty of places that aren't public roads.
You make a mass generalization about pickup trucks (or 98% of them in your words), and claimed that I was in no position to tell people that…
You can be a safe defensive driver and still appreciate hoonery but only to a point. I don't appreciate hoonery that involves public roads, high rates of speed and a stop watch. Any time you're trying to break a record or public roads (that aren't the nurburgring) you have no justification for your actions, it's 100%…
He admitted he ran a red light. It says so in the article above. You're a smart one.
He couldn't wait a year for the statute of limitations to expire. And he told everyone on what day he did it so the cops knew what day to check the tapes for. This guy is beyond dumb.
So your logic:
Yes, because not applauding the actions of a person who needlessly endangers the safety of others and then brags about it on the internet makes me a sheep. Grow up.
Just because there is someone out there doing something worse than you doesn't justify doing something bad.
I think it's more unsettling that so many people don't have a problem with what he did in the first place.
I got to sit in the backseat of my friend's wife's new Jetta Wagon TDI and I was impressed. It was a smart looking little car and with the top of the line leather interior I thought the interior was nice too. Combined with the awesomeness of TDI I was very impressed. Granted I was drunk at the time, but still.
They have all the evidence they need. Why? Because he uploaded it to the internet for them.
This guy is in idiot. Hey lets do something incredibly dangerous, reckless and illegal and then post it on the internet. What could go wrong?
Other than being puke green it looks pretty good.
Bill Simonson, absolutely the worst. I'll let Rogo handle this one:
The deeper I get into this thread the better it gets