Why do you think he's a bad CEO? Apple is making money hand over fist, which is the goal of a publicly traded company, not keeping gizmodo happy.
You must have very small hands
Ha! I totally agree with you, I grew up in Detroit so I know exactly what you're talking about. Now if they could only fix the road surface...
That looks a little nuts but it's not that crazy, you simply have to follow one sign and you get to where you want to go. It's not what the OP described at all where you have to get on a sideroad, make multiple turns etc.
Well I suppose if the cameras can read the little TxTag sticker on the windshield the assumption is that it would be able to read a much larger licence plate as well.
Yeah I live in Austin and it is pretty awful. I think part of the problem is Austin is that it's one of the few cities in Texas that predate the car to an extent. While it certainly has grown it hasn't seen anywhere near the growth associated with the sprawl in Houston and Dallas. It's still a more compact city which…
Um no, there is still bail until trial, just like every other crime.
Yeah honestly I live in Texas and I have no idea what you're talking about. Texas highways generally have enough lanes, high speed limits and are well maintained. Traffic can be awful in Houston and Austin but that's more a function of critical mass instead of poor planning.
It's obvious why it's required, to make it easier to for you plate to be recorded. Look at all those stories that pop up on Jalopnik trying to help identify a car in a hit and run or something like that, how many more of those would there be without a front licence plate? As for motorcycles where you you put it? Plus…
They probably removed it for the pictures. To be legally registered in Texas you need a front and back plate, it sucks.
The whole concept of teaming up with another company to make a car is to cut development costs. You only need to develop one chassis, drivetrain, suspension design etc. It can save a lot of money, what you're betting on is that you hope your brand is stronger than your partners and so even though you have essentially…
Not in the slightest. I would so much rather have Ken's.
You're missing the point. He didn't build it to show it, he built it to build he. He's got pride in his work. And he'd likely use the money to start working on a different project, like a true car guy should.
Yes, because he had a hobby that automatically means he was a bad father. How the hell can you judge this man knowing nothing else about him?
They need to do this in Texas, they'd sell a bazillon more than they already do. It's not like people down here are shy about dropping $40-50k on a truck, I see King Ranchs everywhere
Oh god, hitting me right in the rhetoric. Thats a legitimately hard question. I am massively against paddle shifters for my own personal use, I much prefer having that third pedal. But...it's a free god damn Ferrari! It's worth hundreds of thousands of dollars! I could sell it and buy a house! And it's oh so fast...…
My guess is that while it's only a 20hp gain at peak there will be places in the rev range where the hp increase is much higher. A wide powerband and flat torque curve are more important than peak HP. Also a pushrod engine is the only way you could fit an engine that size into a car as small as a corvette, a DOHC…
Peak power is less important than the slope of the powerband and usable torque, from what it sounds like the benefits are mostly getting more power across a wider range of RPMs
I hadn't seen those Backbeat Go's before, they actually do look pretty cool. But they still do have a wire running between them and 4.5 hours wouldn't be enough for me. And while I am willing to pay $100 for a pair of headphones, a lot of other people are not which is understandable.