
How is the price in any ways a concern? For $600 you get 32GB and the keyboard. A 32GB iPad is $600 without a keyboard or a cover. The Apple Smartcase is $49. Plus I think a lot of people are missing the main value of something like this. Currently I have a shitty work Dell Laptop and a first gen iPad. I was planning

How is being priced lower than the iPad equivalent unreasonable? Quit trolling.

Except that it is a proper comparison. Apple intends for you to type on the iPad via the screen, I remember specifically during the original iPad reveal Steve Jobs sitting down, propping the iPad against his leg and saying "Typing on the iPad is a dream." More like a nightmare. Microsoft on the other hand is assuming

Right, thats how I currently use my iPad too, but the keyboard adds so much functionality, imagine you're going on a trip and the only thing you need to bring your laptop for is for email and maybe some light text/excel editing, now you don't need to bring your laptop, you can just bring this. Right now I have a

This makes me so happy, going to be buying one on October 26th. So glad I held off on replacing my iPad1

I seriously doubt there will be covers as thin as this one, Microsoft has put a lot of money and patents into it. The reason why you never use a keyboard with your iPad is that it was so impractical to carry one around since all the keyboard covers were crap and who wants to carry around a bluetooth keyboard. This a

Read the headline again, no one called it great. He called it non-Terrible.

I live in Texas, today I paid $3.49 for regular. I filled up my tank, which was only a little over half empty, something like 13 gallons. $3.49 is actually better than it has been most of the summer if I remember correctly, but I might not be.

I could make the same comment about you as being paranoid. Clearly we will never see eye to eye.

Yes I understand. There are serious privacy concerns if this is used outside of airports, however I was talking specifically about airports since Gizmodo seems to have this boner for hating on the TSA. I also don't understand where all these new responses to my post are coming from seeing as how this was a post from

To be infield fly it needs to be a case where the infielder only has to make a marginal effort to get to the ball, which was not the case here. The fact that he had to range 50 feet into left field makes this no longer apply under the infield fly rule

I'm not saying that I think the government should be able to do whatever the fuck they want, a la the patriot act. However I believe when you step into an airport you lose the right to privacy. You have the right to privacy in your home. You even have the right to privacy on the street against random searches. (NYC

Actually the idiocy of your response baffles me. Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Great words, but not anywhere in American Law. Those words were part of the Declaration of Independence, which carries no legal weight in this country. It was a Declaration of war, nothing else. Go look for those rights in the

Navy is more badass but from a quality of life perspective I'd choose Air Force. Leave, booze, not having to live in a cramped tiny ship. Yeah I'll take being on land.

I'm having an oatmeal like moment with the price of apps. I regularly pay $6 or $7 for a nice beer when you include tip, would a single beer bring me more enjoyment than this app? I don't know. Maybe for this app yes but I find myself disgusted when an app isn't free and then I have to remind myself, hey this is less

From reading the OP's other comments it sounds like does carry a DSLR around with him a lot, as do I. But there are times when carrying a DSLR doesn't make sense but you might see something that sparks your creativity and so you want to have the best camera phone you can get for those moments, and from the OPs

Okay I will give that to your friend, but the idea that everyone who considers themselves "serious" about photography needs to live up to the same standards of your friend is still a ridiculous concept to me. From the other comments I've seen from the OP he/she does have several DSLRs but doesn't want to carry them

They take it with them everywhere? To the bar, to dinner, to the doctors office, to the gym everywhere, everytime? I sincerely doubt that.

Thats a ridiculous requirement. By your standard to be considered serious about photography you must either carry a DSLR or a good point and shoot with you at all times. I don't think it's an unreasonable assertion to say that problems with a camera on a phone are enough to not make a person want to buy it, especially

So you carry a DSLR with you at all times? What if you happen to see something you want to take a picture of in a place you'd never expect?