As painful as it is to watch, they are just cars in the end. They may have gone a bit too extreme with this but better to see the cars used than have them collect dust in a garage.
Oh shut the hell up. You’ve probably never served. While I personally like President Obama, whenever we salute a senior officer or superior it is a mark of respect for the office. I didn’t like Bush, but I saluted him because I respect the office, even though the man did stuff I didn’t like. Any service-member who…
This is Jalopnik. I imagine readers/commenters cross shop all sorts of weird things. Last time I bought a car it was between a Genesis Coupe 3.8 R-spec, a used Lotus Elise and a JCW Mini.
...Have you heard of the word “inefficient” ?
But getting the seeds out of the permagranate is such a pain in the ass.
No big deal.
And I can barely get 4G on my stupid phone.
You do realize that d-bag jokes about Ferrari/BMW/Audi/etc owners do have some basis in reality, right?
- Apparently no one here knows anything about these cars. $5,500 is the going price for this car at any mileage. I restore these cars as a hobby and have sold 12 GC chassis Impreza’s to date. The 2.5RS in a 5-speed with ZERO rust, immaculate interior and exterior and no mechanical issues are not so common and fetch a…
Dont do it, never ever track down your old cars... it only breaks your heart.
If you give a Z a V8, it’s going to want to drift. And if it drifts, it’s going to want an oversized hat. Once you give it an oversized hat, it’s going to ask you for some DC Shoes. With those DC Shoes, of course the Z is going to want to a Monster energy drink. That will make the car excited, so then it's going to…
Then everyone can bitch and complain that it’s not quite what they wanted and still not buy it.
Very much endorse this. It’s a real thing, especially in the overseas military. The troopies are sure they know far better than the sergeant - this is the first time they’ve had any money, and it’s a guaranteed paycheck, so the car dealers love them.
I get kinja'd all the time on the office computer with IE11 only. :(
One of my best friends is an officer in the US army. The first time I visited him, he took me t0, “The lemon lot.” Apparently what a lot of guys who first enlist in the military do with their enlistment bonus check, is they blow it on a down payment for a new vehicle. 3-8 months later it ends up on the lemon lot,…
Man, what a fucking jerk. I hope no one in my life ever has the audacity to gift me with something that, with a little bit of work, is worth at least a hundred thousand dollars.
How many you got?