
Unfortunately for that customer, money and repairs won’t make it right (if repairs are even possible, the article says the car was “totaled”). If the car can be repaired and titled, it will now have a branded title, significantly reducing its value. And, as far as the customer is concerned, their rare (rare-ish?)


Damn, you’re totally right! 


The C5 had the Z06, but the C4 is better to me aesthetically. The design of the C5 seems derivative and lacks the proportional cleanness of the C4. Put them next to each other and the C5 looks like a C4 that gained weight and acquired the interior of a Malibu. The early C4 has the cool digital gauges at least.

My wife, our oldest daughter, and our son each drove my SRT-4 Neon for a while. I swore I was going to teach my kids to drive stick, and I succeeded with 2 out of 3 of them. I bought the SRT new, and it’s definitely been driven (and seen a fair amount of track time). A couple of weeks ago was the 20-year anniversary

I already cycle between a Dodge Neon, an 89 Caravan, and an 87 Lebaron as my daily drivers. I can do that for a few more years I guess. 

The Maserati he received:

Kei trucks and vans are great! And yes, big people fit in them just fine. My 1989 Suzuki Every has a roof with three huge glass panels, bucket seats for everyone, four-wheel-drive, a manual transmission with a crawler gear, and a turbo that illuminates a green “TURBO” light on the dash when it spools up. The little

My family and I consider this issue closed

put them in cages and check them as freight.

Can you believe it? They’re trying to ban asbestos now. Back in my day, we used to wrap ourselves in the stuff to keep warm. And now they want to take it away from us? Next thing you know, they’ll be banning cigarettes and telling us to eat kale. Give me a break! #asbestosgate #saveourinsulation #oldschool #AsbestosLi

My 993 is worth more than a new car, and I happily paid a little more so I can can listen to my music and sort through my songs without having to pick up my phone. It’s nice to be able to take a roadtrip and have a GPS that isn’t suction cupped to my windshield.

Eat shit.

I want them to do the opposite.  Rip the shit-ass touchscreens out of their new cars and install a single din slot with a basic head unit.

They sound pretty Falken bad

I would buy the Michelins because they have a cool looking tread, I am 41.

Stare decisis, amiright?

{boffs some beers, farts, throws up on the Constitution}

Didn’t the Supreme Court already rule on this? Police in commission of their duties in the public space have no expectation of privacy.

cops can turn off their body cams and obstruct their car cams. they aren’t trustworthy and shouldn’t be trusted to even do the basic stuff they’re required to do by policy or statute. why? because they don’t do what they’re supposed to do already. 

New product idea - a dash cam that live-streams interior and exterior views when the driver pushes a button. Cops can’t get angry if they don’t know we are all watching them violate Constitutional rights.