Being hipster.
Being hipster.
Not a chance.
Why is bro on the end pussyfooting so hard?
I don’t think averages work that way.
I fucking need one.
G8 is the hipster SS
Only a Jalop would be stoked about the Phaeton
Dat suspension travel doe
Agreed. Providing the refs with their own Arsenal could get out of hand.
Boerboel are kind of new on the kennel scene. Samson was the offspring of two of the finest Boerboel on the planet, so he’s worth keeping around just for his nuts. The other two have been snipped and are in nowhere near the shape he is, nor do they share his demeanor. They are not a breed for green dog owners. If…
Such amazing dogs. My friend moved to Canada from South Africa with three Boerboels. Samson (the youngest) was about 195lbs in the winter and 185lbs in the summer, and CUT. Beautiful specimen. It took me hanging around the dog quite a bit before my friend would leave me alone with him for even a few minutes. They were…
Plus iron block.
rookies, eh?
Good thing I don’t believe in fate I guess.
The original was brand new when it set off as well. I don’t expect everyone to feel the same. But I would love it.
I’d rather embrace and be enveloped by history for a week then go swimming in a heated pool on a damn boat.
Yeah I could give two fucks about that. I just wanna walk the deck and hack a butt.
Yeah, it’s kinda sad. I think it would be an amazing experience if someone ever did it.