
I’m sorry, but that is not the case here. We have no ability to modify invoices. They are sent to us before the vehicle even arrives. There is a section called ‘Memo’. This is the amount the GM reimburses us on a GM Employee sale. The amount shown on the invoice is accurate cost.

MY favorite thing is, when they come in and don’t want to waste time... Guess what? neither do I. Time comes to talk trade, “do you have an idea what you want for your trade?” Yes, I understand the customers fear by telling me that number... but you know what? If you tell me that number, we can not dick around for

I can’t speak for all dealerships, but when you come here to pay invoice, as 85% of our customers do (we are in a town where about that number of the population qualify for GM Employee pricing) you pay INVOICE. Yes, there is a number which varies model to model and trim to trim that GM will pay us to sell the vehicle.

I thought this was about bad customers...

I think he was more commenting to the fact that there is a Grnad Canyon sized gap between both price, and perception between the SS and a GT350, despite having the same suspension design theory. Could be wrong.

memory should start fading soon, then we can have nice things again.


I showed my friend, who is a G35 owner, an LS2 swapped G, he nearly lost his shit, and is now in the process of banking dough.

10/10 would rally. 10/10 would crash.

Tuner? When did Magnus start tuning? Or doing anything mechanical, for that matter? As far as I can tell, he slaps on paint and bits to create ugmo versions of heritage Porsches. I could be wrong...

No. It’s because the people doing this are water heads, and need to be told as much.

Top 5 ‘Just the worst kind of people’

Sooooo, the day after I wrote this, I was washing my car heading over to a meet, and some douche bucket in his 2500 GMC rolled coal into a guys car that held his pregnant girlfriend and their dog. He was not the least bit pleased with this behavior, and let the assailant know as much. I HATE TRUGH BROS

Can the punishment be either death by firing squad or vasectomy?

Pretty much! Nice to to know there are fellow Jalopers nearby.

lol! not far! Bowmanville!

looking back, yes it was!

Come to my town and you will see it is THE thing. It’s insane. They all have unbearable stickers on them, too. “4 LOW, LET ‘ER GO” being the most popular.

I mean, it was fine and all, but I outgrew it almost immediately.

I certainly am not in love with the G5 I learned on, I can tell you that.