The Theater for a New Audience at the Polonsky Shakespeare Center in Brooklyn, NY has announced that Oscar…
The Theater for a New Audience at the Polonsky Shakespeare Center in Brooklyn, NY has announced that Oscar…
My Catholic high school, on the other hand, had classes taught by priests, two of us who explicitly told us not to have premarital sex, but if we did, not to use a condom because that would be two mortal sins instead of one.
Uh...the one with the two guys is pro-condom.
As long as you take a knife to your son’s genitals, they're happy
Or walk with it rolled up, holding it in your hand, pointed backward, while swinging your fucking arms. I’ve been stabbed in the balls one too many times, thank you.
Today Mississippi’s House of Representatives passed a law legalizing discrimination against the LGBT community. That…
Oh yeah, well life goes on
Long after the kid
you killed is gone.
It’s weird. The taxidermy of the people world. But on the other hand, the internet mob flooding her with hateful messages as if she had been in on the murder is particularly disgusting. Wtf is wrong with people?
two american kids killing toddlers in the heartland
Little Ditty with Jo and dying.
I don’t think you understand features writing. This is a classic pyramid, giving a synopsis, or “nut graph” of the story and then slowly broadening the story base to give more details on the people involved. It’s a pretty well-written news feature.
I may be a monster, but I’m actually going the other way. Like, if a super hot dude kept on talking for a long amount of time about how great sex with him was, we’d automatically assume he was completely terrible at sex. So, the more Rihanna tells us that she’s awesome at sex, the more I start to think she’s not.
They should throw this case out the window. If you’re that stupid and no harm was done then you forfeit your right to press charges.
I feel like if the Superintendent thought it was ‘convincing’ and then it was revealed it was not real, they all should have had a good laugh, and then just let it the fuck go. You’re gonna charge the kid with a FELONY because you can’t take one hell of a good joke? No thank you. No one was harmed in the making or…
If anyone is wondering what it’s like to be a high schooler in Ohio, this is a good representation of it. It is so boring that impersonating a state senator becomes a good idea.
I’m not a lawyer
Not shocked by this. We are well aware that this is what employees at MOST chain stores are told to do.
If this box is rockin’ don’t bother knockin’!