Vitamin V

I’m disappointed in it. Frankly, Paul Bloom is a smart guy who has produced a lot of really great work, but I’m not sure where this is coming from. I know he’s kinda been on more of an evoPsych kick of late, but...I got nothin’.

I hope she receives a bill to recoup the taxpayer dollars paid to that judge to hear this stupidass case.

As a physician with several friends who know and have worked with this guy, let me just say that the entire emergency medicine community is at a total loss. This guy was top 3 in terms of powerful/influential EM docs. Truly staggering.

Also, I’m sure the danger element of it is part of the perversion. He sedates the woman but he’s still at high risk of exposure.

Exactly this, for good measure I assume that everyone that seems to have a perfect life is hiding some pretty awful fucked up shit

There were countless people right here in the Jezebel comments section that said this woman was a liar as it was impossible for this to have happened, either due to his profession or due to the openness of the E.R.

What’s wrong with people? He had such a nice wedding and his wife is pretty, so he couldn’t have done something like this? There’s always someone somewhere, maybe a neighbor, who will eventually come out and say, “yeah, I did notice he spent a lot of time in the bathroom after talking with my teenage daughter. And

This is ridiculous. Of course they are going to look into your recollection of things. That’s what cross examination is. Who was giving them legal counsel? Furthermore, how can you expect a court to convict someone of a crime and punish him accordingly, based on your testimony if your testimony is not clear,

The prosecution fucked this one up. The women should have been told all of this way before the trial. That the women are now saying that they only learned about the power of “post-incident conduct” during the trial is a complete indictment of the failure of the prosecution. The prosecutors should have been sitting

“While women make as much as men at Amazon, the report indicated that women only accounted for 39 percent of the company’s workforce. Further, only 24 percent of Amazon’s management are women. That means a large percentage work at Amazon’s warehouses where workers are paid between $10 and $15 per hour.”

Certainly not this academic, who actually studies the development of empathy and other pro-social emotions in young children. Or my lab mates. Or our PI who is genuinely one of the kindest, most compassionate, most empathetic people I’ve ever known.

No. you should pull unqualified women and put them in those roles so it is even and fair! - Most Commenters Here

The implication that they did anything to “fix” this is unfounded. They released their data and there is no pay gap. Stassa Edwards, as far as I can tell, is reading this as if the data reflects some change in their policies, but that seems false, although I can’t see the entire WSJ article because of the pay wall. So

What? They’re specifically addressing the pay gap. They don’t want a cookie, and it has nothing to do with diversity, which is a fair next step. But what’s really interesting is that this shines a light on the often refuted idea that women actually make less than men. They do when you factor in parental leave taken

I worked there many years ago after college, and some (not all!) of the professors were almost comically out-of-touch on issues relating to discrimination, inappropriate workplace conduct, etc.

As much as the judge’s other statements are atrocious (especially the one about the “stereotype” of sexual assaults being truthful, which, uggggggghhhhhhhhh), the reasonable doubt one is a fair statement of law and the way that criminal trials should operate. If you think it’s very likely the defendant is guilty but

But he is right. There is a vocal set of people who are committed to “believing survivors/accusers” based on nothing other than the fact that they have accused someone of sexual assault. This describes many commenters here on Jezebel. It ignores any interest in finding the actual truth and is a bananas way of going

“Variously known as the sedia stercoraria – which translates as the ‘dung chair’– or rather more understandably, as the ‘pierced chair’, this then was the object used to test the sex of newly installed popes... Any candidate chosen by his peers to occupy the papal throne was required, before his election could be

Is it really empathy that makes us focus in on narrow concerns and miss the humanity of others so totally that we kill them by the thousands without even noticing?

“It is bad and stupid, the latest absurdity (and one of the lowest) to which the “well-credentialed people saying wrong yet arresting things” industry has reduced the collective knowledge of humankind.”