Vitamin V

I think it’s a white dress/gold dress issue. The lighting is different in the one on the right. jk

The nerve of some peephole...

As a Latina also supporting Hillary: expect nothing but contempt from white commenters here. They know what’s better for us and they are baffled that we dare to think for themselves and have reasons to vote for Hillary. How can we? They know what is better and they don't agree. We must be ignorant!

Please do elaborate on my interests? Because Income inequality isn’t fixing racism and the supposition that it will is ignorant as all hell. Like it’s literally infuriating. As is the fact that Sanders voted for the same crime bill that they like to throw in HRC’s face. I’m old enough to remember the crack epidemic

I’m black and voting for Hillary. #SorrynotSorry. I don’t find this condescending at all. Why don’t you get in government IS the right answer. I’m so tired of all these whiny people running around complaining all the politicians are in someone’s pocket or are “UNAUTHENTIC” . GO BE A POLITICIAN Then. That’s an

It’s not just women. I was in a therapy group for gay men and so many were raped as kids. It’s all over the place for both boys and girls. It’s good that we’re finally talking about it, because in many cases with the people I met, the family knew all about it and even sent the kids to be with their rapists after


And don’t forget the incredible stupidity of that mass of people giving hard-earned money to a false profit. (hehe see what I did there?)

Oh, girl! Did you never do/see the “oops wrong number!” trick in high school? All you do is “accidentally” text your crush that you like him and you’re single, and you would say yes to going out if he asked. Write it as if it’s to your friend, but text it to the guy. Then you can text “OMG! How embarrassing!!!!!” etc

By “mistake.”

I was walking down Vine in Hollywood, on my way to Trader Joe’s after a long sweaty day working at a DV shelter in the Valley. I had to wear a back brace because I have scoliosis that was never addressed because I only had insurance on and off as a child. I was painfully aware of how horrible I looked, in pain,

Eh, to me it just sounds like you haven’t pulled hard enough on those bootstraps!

“SB Nation is a virtual monoculture, built to profit from writing done with minimal infrastructure devoted to it and deeply unserious about ambitious things.”

a longform on a longform.

Flash! Rosco P. Coltrane! You just made my day.

Good fucking grief. I'd rather deal with a room full of exes than that.

Did you say bedbugs?!

They cling to anything within a certain radius of sleeping bodies, so pretty much anything in a bedroom is fair game for them. Then they migrate while you’re sleeping, chow down on you, and go back to their chosen place before you wake up.

You met this person in the US? There is lots of new information coming out about why the high protein, low fat, carbs-from -grains diet does not work, and it explains a lot about US obesity rates. The general idea that fat causes obesity and heart disease is being proven wrong and carbohydrates that trigger an insulin