Vitamin V

Yes, there was a lull in the story. By then I was fascinated by her character’s slightly Aspergery personality. And I had a total crush on Joel Kinnaman.

Gawd I love Mireille Enos. If you haven’t seen The Killing, you must. Love her and everything about her. And the ending to the series is absolutely perfect.

I hope she receives a bill to recoup the taxpayer dollars paid to that judge to hear this stupidass case.

This is completely believable. She’s prolly racist as shit too. Old people and stuff.

Outside? Huh. That would solve the problem under my desk.

What’s wrong with people? He had such a nice wedding and his wife is pretty, so he couldn’t have done something like this? There’s always someone somewhere, maybe a neighbor, who will eventually come out and say, “yeah, I did notice he spent a lot of time in the bathroom after talking with my teenage daughter. And

It’s quite surprising. I know all that just from watching Law and Order, Law and Order Criminal Intent, Law and Order Special Victims Unit, Law and Order: Their First Assignment, Law and Order: Back in Training ...

I can totally relate to how you must feel when these psuedo-academics publish such crap. Kinda begs the question, though, given your field, what do you make of this Yale professor’s thesis?

The implication that they did anything to “fix” this is unfounded. They released their data and there is no pay gap. Stassa Edwards, as far as I can tell, is reading this as if the data reflects some change in their policies, but that seems false, although I can’t see the entire WSJ article because of the pay wall. So

What? They’re specifically addressing the pay gap. They don’t want a cookie, and it has nothing to do with diversity, which is a fair next step. But what’s really interesting is that this shines a light on the often refuted idea that women actually make less than men. They do when you factor in parental leave taken

For crissake. This is business school, where I have to imagine the esteemed professors are aware of gender issues, discrimination, and sexual harassment in the workplace. How on earth could they dismiss her allegations? And I love his statement: The allegations are completely false. She made them up, ‘cause she’s got

“Variously known as the sedia stercoraria – which translates as the ‘dung chair’– or rather more understandably, as the ‘pierced chair’, this then was the object used to test the sex of newly installed popes... Any candidate chosen by his peers to occupy the papal throne was required, before his election could be

The katholic church had an answer:

It’s good to know that with all the problems our country is facing, like the heroin epidemic, poverty, crime, some states are focusing on what’s really important: their religious war against humanity.

If that’s interesting to you, then I stand corrected.

What questions can you possibly ask a 20 year old who has no life other than to manage her “brand” and stand in front of a camera? Examples, please.

Is it really empathy that makes us focus in on narrow concerns and miss the humanity of others so totally that we kill them by the thousands without even noticing?

A friend was staying over and had flown with an entire bottle of Glucosamine Chondroitin from which he had emptied all the capsules and filled them with cocaine. We partied for like a week and then he left. Another friend was cleaning up a few days later. We were sad that our friend was gone. And then she found a

It’s a minimum security prison, so sounds like he’s right about it. It’s prolly not the country club that Martha went to, but i’m sure people aren’t getting shanked or raped in the showers. Good to see him acknowledge his drinking issue, which is evident in his bloated face. Maybe he’ll be smart and work out and drop

This is a serious subject, and you had to go and make a Djokovit.